SPAC股 空白支票公司 集中討論Post (9)
24歲廢老fg失業師 2021-2-1 21:55:55 CCIV生性啲啦


摸頂高手 2021-2-1 23:42:33
摸住鳩 2021-2-1 23:53:38 Apxt係咪已收皮
財經台巴打 2021-2-2 01:42:27 一早收咗皮
財經台巴打 2021-2-2 01:43:10 6隻都無1隻有我份


聯福道男神 2021-2-2 02:11:14 此回覆已被刪除
高追俠 2021-2-2 18:59:49 我都係 一隻都唔中, 不過 跟財巴你隻 Ajax 有異動, 應該好快有 deal
高追俠 2021-2-2 19:45:02 Tue begin with DA - HOL
我係英國人呀屌 2021-2-2 19:53:50 冇隻聽過
扯到衡 2021-2-2 20:50:51 有無師兄仲有ACTC
羅巴, 見佢呢排係23-25徘徊 我23蚊入返。想問下你意見🙇🏻
啲花傾嘩聊 2021-2-2 22:17:00


高追俠 2021-2-2 23:41:04 現價 已經有50%+ premium, 萬一合併左隻 ipoc 類似嘅股, 跌到落$10 你承受到嗎?

再唔係 揀d 低價位嘅 潛伏下先, 越接近 nav 風險越少
啲花傾嘩聊 2021-2-2 23:44:45
極愛大 2021-2-3 00:26:57 仲揸住左 ....
完全無再上的跡象 ...
小飛象寶寶 2021-2-3 02:02:28 此回覆已被刪除
歡樂滿nigga 2021-2-3 02:12:37 好似3月先merger
鰂魚涌洪七公 2021-2-3 03:00:57 新手上路求教

想問通常大家如果買SPAC, 通常捕捉佢出acquisition嗰一下然後就放,定係真係當抽IPO咁一路揸住?
財經台巴打 2021-2-3 03:43:53 DA之後再睇下公司前景先啦Ching
小飛象寶寶 2021-2-3 06:33:12 此回覆已被刪除
阿歷山大拿卡錫迪 2021-2-3 08:38:25 Lm
FiveAsa 2021-2-3 10:24:36 d chamath概念回回地, 是咪就比人告


哥基屎忽! 2021-2-3 14:07:56
高追俠 2021-2-3 19:08:05 high risk 一定 high return? gme $500 你應該 all in diamond hand
賤種公僕 2021-2-3 19:10:49 此回覆已被刪除
高追俠 2021-2-3 19:16:57

Microvast: The Best EV SPAC May Have Arrived

EV adoption is rising, but historically has been hindered by a lack of good enough battery technology.

Microvast is one of the first movers in battery tech and, by building a battery from the ground up, has exceeded most competitors.

The company has a substantial backlog that exceeds any other EV SPAC, yet it's trading at a discount to these competitors.

The main risk is that changing battery technology could lead to other battery tech companies finding a way to increase battery performance