LIHKG [The Final Battle II ] 美國大選情報討論 21
大力妹~ 2021-1-19 22:38:39


侵侵乎三代之遺意 2021-1-19 22:38:58 此回覆已被刪除
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-19 22:39:03
姓向大妹楊玉環 2021-1-19 22:39:15 有大戲睇
死惡魚 2021-1-19 22:39:23 Time zone 係代表咩 無追po
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:39:27
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-19 22:39:55 STORM.

We're in this together PATRIOTS.
變泰仔 2021-1-19 22:40:07 此回覆已被刪除
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:40:36 下面咩戲?
-,-快D好番 2021-1-19 22:41:26
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:41:55 愈來愈刺激


Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:42:17
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-19 22:42:23 Gab搵,唔知
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-19 22:42:36 "The global demands for special operations forces, then and now has confirmed President Kennedy's foresight. And now under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, we are fully realizing President Kennedy's prescient view of special operations forces."
牛市燈友 2021-1-19 22:42:47 此回覆已被刪除
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:42:47 佢就快成為Kol
7_仔 2021-1-19 22:43:10
屌你老母陳同佳 2021-1-19 22:43:22

The storm is here
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:43:40 睇戲
Tony.Montana. 2021-1-19 22:43:57
蒙太奇 2021-1-19 22:44:11 而家先09:43a.m.


孤單又燦爛 2021-1-19 22:44:13 20號, 而家又21號, 只要無事發生 個FF就會一路延後
霹靂啪喇 2021-1-19 22:44:42 唔知十五分未,啱好似話開始十五
你條撚樣 2021-1-19 22:44:59
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-19 22:45:24 等9:45