川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-20 23:54:09 我係為睇到的你地而覆, 我付出我的觀點. 連登好多係年輕一代香港人, 我希望我能刺激到佢地, 去諗野.

我並非真理, 但我相信, 我可以刺激到人去搵答案


HaHaHello 2021-1-21 00:01:35 most a lot of dictators

Remark: I have not changed my mind. I wanted to type 'a lot of', however, somehow I have typed 'most'.
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 00:02:40 and has done a good job for France.
杜門市 2021-1-21 00:03:04 一睇彭博就已經唔駛睇
3321 2021-1-21 00:05:06 唔怕啦
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 00:10:10 Actually, I am not serious. You can know this from my typing.

I do not check what I have typed. In many cases, I want to type word 'A', but I have actually type word 'B'.

When I read a lot of news, then I need to stop reading for a few minutes. Then I just write down some rubbish here. What I said is rubbish because who cares. We can talking USA here but we are not Americans. The Americans do not know what we are talking here. Most Americans do not even know the existence of LIHKG.

So, just have fun!

ABC平民 2021-1-21 00:22:18 玩得群體主義, 多數都係共產撚,,,

法共邊一年贏過總理/總統, 我假設係第五共和?

另外法國無行過共產, 雖然法國玩大政府

行共產, 99%要用權力壓制人性 -- 人係有利之下, 會佔有資產的
ABC平民 2021-1-21 00:27:34 你可以改一改你段野, 成為宣傳文

我自己就覺得出去試過, 撞過, 就會了解烏托邦/共產理想根本係反人類

好似D人講, 三十歲以前不相信社會主義是無良心,四十歲後你還相信社會主義是ON9

我會改為, 無了解現實前相信社會主義是純真,了解現實後還相信社會主義是ON9
無妞唔稼 2021-1-21 00:43:37 phd in gender studies?
無妞唔稼 2021-1-21 00:45:14 phd pizza
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-21 01:06:51 其實奧巴馬連佢自己都知道係戇鳩, 所以佢其實唔係支持佔領華爾街, 更唔係支持因此催生的佔領中環

但社會主義再失敗, 都永遠有支持者, 好似AOC咁, 因為佢係得到利益果個人. 佢真係未還哂學貸, 佢又真係新移民後代. 委內瑞拉失敗在前對佢係無任何感覺, 因為佢覺得比佢地黎係唔會.

講返呢篇文, 其實係可似. 但我都慣左回人文, 我都完全唔自覺可以自己開文.


MolaMolaMola 2021-1-21 01:07:51 多數人唔係一定對, 佢地都可以係錯, 以小地方為本體的共和制, 我覺得係最平衡的選舉
ABC平民 2021-1-21 01:13:49 美國有緃向三權分立, 亦有少人講的橫向聯邦、州、縣分權,由自己州或縣管自己, 好過果十萬八千里遠的聯邦管
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-21 01:24:39 呢锢係一個好困難的選擇題

如果地方權力越大, 國家力量就軟弱

相反, 當想國家強大, 地方權力就會削弱

好似話, 明顯總統選舉係完全國家決定. 地方只能跟住相同規則玩. 所以州議員只能跟住聯邦個規則去選擇選舉人票

老實講, 呢件事地方個立法權已經無左. 個憲法講明係立法機關去選擇選舉人票, 而唔係選民. 但一早已經同美國憲法唔同

事實上, 憲法根本唔係講全民投票選總統, 根本無呢回事
新用戶(十七歲) 2021-1-21 03:05:12 州可以選擇係咪勝者全取
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-21 05:30:46 但州可唔可以選舉州內全民投票並無效力, 只可以用州議員決定選舉人票的去向? 呢個我無熟美國憲法, 我唔知道. 但我懷疑係唔得
新用戶(十七歲) 2021-1-21 06:41:03 咩意思? 即係skip 咗美國公民投票果PART 直接搵議員去投?
議員係搵參定眾既去投? 定BOTH?
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 09:09:26 Actually, the political party is called Socialist Party. It took power, for example, from 1981 to 1986.

From wiki:

Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state

....communism became the dominant political tendency within the international socialist movement by the 1920s.[8] The emergence of the Soviet Union as the world's first nominally communist state led to communism's widespread association with Marxism–Leninism and the Soviet economic model....

What you said is the dictator form of communism. From the above description given in wiki, communism has nothing to do with dictatorship. However, communism can help a person to become a dictator much easier because communism takes away ownership of individuals etc.
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 09:38:13 I can.
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 09:44:01 This is my email to my friends and relative in USA on 27 Oct, 2020 which explains the American Election:

When you cast your election vote, you do NOT really vote for your President. Actually, you vote for the electors in your state.
The following discussion I had on a website can help you to understand the American President Election.

Person A: I am sure one will lose (the election).

I reply: It can be a draw (Both Biden and Trump get 269 electoral votes)

B: The one who get the higher popular votes wins

This statement is wrong. So I reply:
Notice that the voters do NOT really vote for their president! They actually vote for the electors of their states, and the electors than will vote for the American President later on behalf the voters.
Even a President candidate wins the popular votes in a state, the electors can still vote for another candidate as the President.
A good article to explain the complicated American Electoral College is “The Electoral College can pick a president who got fewer votes. Here's why and how.” on https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/10/24/election-2020-what-electoral-college-who-picks-president/3734507001/

A few hours later, I added a reply:
After you have read the above essay, I can now explain what will happen if both Biden and Trump get 269 popular votes.
The electors will reconsider which President candidates their states will vote for. They may give a loser in the state election the electoral votes. Now, the problem is which state(s) will do this. If you are Americans, then you should not look for this situation because you may have a civil war.
HaHaHello 2021-1-21 09:45:53 I The state electors can can.

Please read my other reply.


HaHaHello 2021-1-21 09:47:08 I The state electors can can.
泛民愛販民 2021-1-21 09:51:01 香港民主派普查都係咁,第一句先問你係咪民主派支持者,唔係就cut你線
樊茵 2021-1-21 09:54:45 敗登以首個0民眾觀禮慶祝上任嘅總統。。。

HaHaHello 2021-1-21 10:17:44 QAnon followers are giving up on their conspiracy theory after Biden's inauguration: 'Is anyone still holding the line?'

One hour after President Joe Biden was inaugurated in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, QAnon conspiracy-theory chat rooms had an overwhelming - albeit familiar - sense of hopelessness.

"What are we waiting for now?" one comment in a QAnon Telegram channel said. "Is anyone still holding the line?" said another.

"So, was Q just one big lie and psyop that I foolishly followed and believed for over 3 years?" another user said.

In a QAnon message board, the discussion was similarly bleak: "Guys and gals, I'm losing my everloving mind right now. Is this really happening? Was this part of the plan?"

Wednesday was the final chance at redemption for QAnon, a baseless far-right conspiracy theory alleging that former President Donald Trump was fighting a "deep state" cabal of pedophiles and human traffickers.

Many believers of QAnon had anticipated that Biden would be arrested at his inauguration, or that Trump would do something, anything at all, to prevent his successor from taking office.

But in the end, Trump said goodbye, danced to the "YMCA," and flew to Florida, and Biden became president.

Finally, QAnon followers appeared to realize en masse that with Biden inaugurated, Trump's rule and the fantasy they'd created around it had come to an end.

Ron Watkins, who had for years facilitated the spread of QAnon, echoed sentiments of resignation elsewhere in the QAnon movement.

Watkins is the former administrator of 8kun (formerly 8chan), the fringe message board where "Q," the anonymous leader of QAnon, posts cryptic messages. After two months of fighting to overturn Biden's election win with claims of voter fraud on One America News Network, he finally gave up.

"We gave it our all. Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able," Watkins said on Telegram, where he has more than 120,000 followers. "We have a new president sworn in and it is our responsibility as citizens to respect the Constitution regardless of whether or not we agree with the specifics or details regarding officials who are sworn in."

Extremism researchers have questioned whether Watkins or his father, Jim, who owns 8kun, were somehow associated with Q. The younger Watkins had in many ways become the de facto leader of QAnon, as Q has not posted on 8kun since December 8.

The conspiracy theory began on fringe message boards in 2017 when an anonymous figure called "Q Clearance Patriot" claimed to have high-level government security clearance and said Hillary Clinton would soon be arrested for involvement in a child-trafficking ring. Three far-right activists noticed the message on 4chan and spread it, NBC News reported in 2018.

Clinton, of course, was never arrested. But the allegation that Democrats and powerful figures - which eventually expanded to include Chrissy Teigen and Oprah Winfrey - were involved in human trafficking has been central to what experts call the "big tent" conspiracy theory, which can adapt and change as needed.

While it's difficult to track the number of people who believe in a conspiracy theory like QAnon, Facebook documents obtained by NBC News in August indicated that there were millions of users in QAnon groups.

In 2020, the movement migrated from the fringes of the internet to mainstream social-media platforms. It became hugely popular thanks to its association with COVID-19 misinformation and anti-human-trafficking sentiment.

Full article on https://us.yahoo.com/news/qanon-followers-giving-conspiracy-theory-205547718.html