川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-19 22:47:25   我比返一個credit你,我咁鬧你,你都無發脾氣。你有迴避我,但你確實有心講事實。

  我都比返一個尊重你,請你停一停,想一想一件事。依家唔係連登唔比你對侵侵表示中立,係你背後的所謂左派,美國主流,progressives, and/or academics.


  結果呢?阿侵佢自己永世都會比人當white supremacist.

  同樣地,你話佢有好有壞,在其他左派支持者眼中,已等同話希特勤係有好有壞,足夠罪無可恕。你會比人攻擊,失去學業,失去工作。我係你,我唔會敢公開做,我唔呃你。你或者有一個PhD, 或者你無。但如果你咁公開支持阿侵,我想唔會有東西岸的大學敢請你。



  點解你個論調唔成立?因為佢個繼任者Joe Biden唔係要走新路,佢講到明要回到以前舊路。咁請問阿侵所做的改變,如果變返哂去,咁又有何意義?

Winston Churchill said," Democracy is a mess, but it is the best system we had." 



My personal understanding is that the strength of democracy is that
"No policy is perfect. We implement a policy which creates something good, but its side effect will show up a few years later. Democracy allows us to change the leader and hence, polices every few years."




Trump admired Putin openly: "Putin runs Russia as his own company" and his other speeches and behavior suggested strongly he wanted to be a dictator.

  第一,你知唔知你talk out of both sides of mouth? 佢話普京唔好,D人一樣可以話佢係bully



  即佢地追求緊美國文化大革命。佢地要清洗的,唔係阿侵,佢只係障礙,佢地係要鬥死鬥亡其他反對佢地的美國人。就好似Helena Duke佢阿媽同uncle, aunt一樣。

If USA was not a long established democrat country, then I would say that Trump should be bad for USA in his second term. Since USA is a long established democrat country, so I was sure not sure whether he would be good for USA in his second term.










工程仔. 2021-1-20 03:15:30 We can see who is ALREADY in full controll of the media.
ACTS99 2021-1-20 03:29:18 most?
11111111D 2021-1-20 03:50:22 其實係上任太大意無預到trump trump可以反cup姐,背後勢力今次咪出盡方法點都要贏。

trump trump只係將個劇本拖長四年,不過都已經唔簡單
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-20 04:13:47 佢係一個好偉大的總統, 佢真正還政於民, 有找數, 講過算數

比起任何一代總統, 佢最少傷亡, 又打贏仗, 又贏外交

但佢個偉大唔係因為佢個個人, 而係佢會影響以後的其他政治家, 而係佢比人發現到, 否定民主, 官僚同自私的美國另一面
漬者自漬 2021-1-20 04:31:07 樓主係烏大龜?
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 09:38:00 依家唔係連登唔比你對侵侵表示中立,係你背後的所謂左派,美國主流,progressives, and/or academics.

You have failed to understand my position completely. I am not neutral. I almost always take a stand. I take stand on issues rather than on people.


結果呢?阿侵佢自己永世都會比人當white supremacist.
Before Trump took power, he has been widely considered as a white men supremacist. He is NOT a white supremacist, he is a white men supremacist. In USA, much higher % of women than men hate Trump. What I said in 2016 is what I told my friends in Hong Kong and USA when they (colored people) hated Trump.
Although I am a also colored people, I still spoke up for him becaue I take stand on issues rather than on people.

I do not know whether you live in US or in Hong Kong, I can tell you that most Hong Kongers hated Trump before the anti-China movement in 2018.

So, what you said is simply not the reality.

同樣地,你話佢有好有壞,在其他左派支持者眼中,已等同話希特勤係有好有壞,足夠罪無可恕。你會比人攻擊,失去學業,失去工作。我係你,我唔會敢公開做,我唔呃你。你或者有一個PhD, 或者你無。但如果你咁公開支持阿侵,我想唔會有東西岸的大學敢請你。

You have completely failed to read my comment. I have given up my job, my career, my future and my life because I do not want to contribute to Hong Kong China. No one has attacked me and so that I lost my job.

The industry has begun to leave USA in 1950s. In early days, the industry moved away from USA slowly and USA has a huge industrial based so that as you said 列根 did not need to take action.

Actually, 列根 should encourage the industry to move out of USA to fight the Japanese industry. However, even as early as in late 1990s, American President should try to bring back some of the manufacturing base. For comparisons, Japan still has a strong industrial base even though a lot of Japanese industries have been moved out of Japan

I have to do something else right now. I will come back to reply your comment later.
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 15:24:27 佢第一或二任對邊個好,對邊個壞,其實真係無分別。唔關乎佢有無連任。佢強調美國係一個普通國家,而總統係為美國而唔係世界負責,不論佢第一任或做埋兩任,都對美國工人同平民好,而傷害左集中東西岸以全球為目標的商業和科技行業的利益。如果你係美國工人,佢做八年都係好。如果你係蘋果公司,佢做一年都係壞。關乎的,係你個位置,而唔係佢有無帶來改變。

點解你個論調唔成立?因為佢個繼任者Joe Biden唔係要走新路,佢講到明要回到以前舊路。咁請問阿侵所做的改變,如果變返哂去,咁又有何意義?

Your idea is complete wrong. The main problem is the side effects of the policies. The most important achievement Trump wanted people to remember is economy. One of his most important policies to do that is to eliminate a lot of restrictions for the business. In particular, those restrictions created after the 2008 economic crash. Those restrictions were created to avoid too risky investments. So the side effect is to create an economic bubble which may be even larger than that in 2008. This is the reason why the country needs to change the leader every few years.

The reason that Trump may not be good for USA for the second term has nothing to do with his policies. So you are wrong. My original comment has stated clearly that he would become a dictator and pose a danger to the USA democracy. What happened on 6 Jan 2021 has proved that I am absolutely correct on this issue. All you have said is try to draw people away from the fact that he would become a dictator.

It is quite correct for Biden to go back to the old democrat ways. When the country has gone to the left too long, the country needs to go back to the right to eliminate the side effects of being to the left. After a few years to the right, the country has to go back to the left to eliminate the side effects of being to the right. This is the strength of democracy and this is how democracy has pushed USA and other democrat countries forward. Both the left and the right are our legs and we need to move our left leg, then the right leg, and then the left leg when we walk forward and backward.

When GOP takes power, their policies will be their same old policies deep under. The so-called new policies are just old policies dressing up new clothes for the new environment. This comment also applies to the Democrats.

Therefore, what you said about Biden is wrong. If you want truly new policies, then you need to vote for a third party.

--- need to do something else. come back later.
xda-2 2021-1-20 15:28:28 民調你老母臭閪啦
問題喺個制度 2021-1-20 16:26:44
漬者自漬 2021-1-20 16:28:56 唔知係咪,不過好撚似


HaHaHello 2021-1-20 17:28:56 Sorry for posting this comment. My main effort now is still on COVID-19 to save lives.
【新型肺炎】世衛獨立小組:中國大規模隱瞞 助長疫情蔓延全球
新型肺炎 (COVID-19) 全球疫情持續一年,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 在去年成立的獨立小組,經過長達數月的調查後,公布調查結果指中國去年1月可採取更快的行動,及實施更強而有力的公共衛生措施來避免災難,但令人遺憾的是「中國大規模的疫情隱瞞,助長新型肺炎蔓延全球」。

世衞的194個成員國,在去年5月19日的世界衛生大會 (WHA) 中通過成立大流行防範和應對獨立小組 (IPPR),為世衞應對疫情作出公正、獨立和全面評估。獨立小組今年在1月18日至26日舉行的世衞執行委員會議上發表期中報告。報告指出,中國和世衞在去年1月,本可以對早期的疫情跡象,採取更迅速的行動。

報告內容明顯與世衞總幹事譚德塞 (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) 去年1月的說法矛盾,他在去年1月28日到訪北京時曾讚揚:「中國對疫情做出迅速的反應,世所罕見,展現出中國效率」,「這是中國制度的優勢,有關經驗值得其他國家學習、借鏡」。

HaHaHello 2021-1-20 17:29:33
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 22:01:03 Winston Churchill said," Democracy is a mess, but it is the best system we had."


Your reply has nothing to do what Churchill said. The word "the best system" is for 本國. It has nothing to do with another country. So, I do not understand what you try to said.


Some people get the benefits from a certain policy, that some other people will suffer. So 尊重返少數人的權利 is just an ideal. When the government want to the help the poor people in the country, then it has to raise the the tax and the people who have to pay more tax will suffer. For the statement: 美國班國父有講過,民主制度一定失敗. They did not understand the concept 'public'. We (human) understood the concept 'public' almost 200 hundred years.

--- need to do something again. Come back later (maybe tomorrow).
ABC平民 2021-1-20 22:20:55 嘩, 巴打你已經知道現實做法, 仲打咁大篇野想點醒佢, 真好心....


美國民主派所玩的群體主義, 如果唔尊重/顧慮個人權力, 最後只會係暴政, 變為寡頭政治

另外好多人講民主, 而唔知純民主係變得好快, 亦好乎合群體主義, 要好高的道德&理智, 但人好易被情緒主導, 變為多數人的暴政

所以, 美國國父用共和制係有先見之名, 當然, 有希臘城邦, 羅馬興亡史之鑒。用權利法案&參議院限制民主對個人施暴。
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 22:36:30 Government 'looking very carefully' at Pfizer vaccine after 'real world effectiveness' claims

The government will look “very carefully” at concerns the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine’s initial effectiveness is low, the UK’s top government scientist has said.

Israel, which has already given about a quarter of its population a first dose, has warned that it could be as low as 33% effective after the first injection.

However, it has been revealed that it is likely to protect against the more infectious variant of coronavirus that was identified in the UK and has helped drive up cases.

Low initial efficacy may have implications for the UK’s vaccine strategy, which focuses on giving as many people an initial dose before providing the booster jab up to 12 weeks after.

Read more on https://uk.yahoo.com/news/pfizer-vaccine-effective-israel-101347501.html
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 22:38:03 I have put this comment to the wrong post.

ABC平民 2021-1-20 22:44:46 共產 & 法西斯 & 納粹主義, 呢D垃圾群體主義, 理想主義

係Some people (1% 或以下?) get the benefits from a certain policy, that some other people most people (99%或以上) will suffer.

唔好以為自己講的就係真理, 睇下歷史, 睇下現實...

不過, 講你都未必會聽, 自己用個身試下先可能會因體會而變...
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 22:53:40

Mitch McConnell: Capitol Hill mob was 'provoked' by Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday directly blamed President Donald Trump for the deadly mob that attacked the Capitol, as the Senate prepares for an impeachment trial on whether to convict the President for "incitement of insurrection" and potentially disqualify him from holding office in the future.
The typically tight-lipped Senate Republican leader rarely broke from Trump in his four years as president. But he led the Senate's certification of the presidential election that the rioters pledged to overturn, and has strongly condemned the violence at the Capitol he has served in as a senator for 36 years.
"The mob was fed lies," McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said on the Senate floor. "They were provoked by the President and other powerful people."
The Senate Republican leader has not yet said whether he will vote to convict after the evidence is presented in the upcoming trial. McConnell has privately indicated that impeaching Trump would help remove the President's legacy from the public perception of the Republican party.
McConnell touted that Congress did its duty despite the violence on January 6, certifying the victory of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
"We'll have a safe and successful inaugural right here on the very front of the Capitol," said McConnell.

McConnell's comments came as the Senate prepares to hold an impeachment trial over the House's charge of "incitement of insurrection." McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate has received a message from the House that Trump has been impeached but noted that the House has not yet transmitted the article to the Senate.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer advocated for convicting Trump and disqualifying him from holding office again.
"We need to set a precedent that the severest offense ever committed by a President will be met by the severest remedy provided by the Constitution — Impeachment and conviction by this chamber as well as disbarment from future office," Schumer said.

McConnell touted on Tuesday that Congress did its duty despite the riot on January 6, certifying the victory of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
"We'll have a safe and successful inaugural right here on the very front of the Capitol," said McConnell.
McConnell said Congress would soon turn to work for the American people and asserted that no party has a broad mandate after the 2020 elections, which flipped the White House and Republican-led Senate to the Democrats.
"Certainly November's elections did not hand any side a mandate for sweeping ideological change," said McConnell. "Americans elected a closely divided Senate, a closely divided House and a presidential candidate who said he'd represent everyone."
"So our marching orders from the American people are clear," said McConnell. "We're to have a robust discussion and seek common ground. We are to pursue bipartisan agreement everywhere we can, and check and balance one another, respectfully, where we must."
日日扮工 2021-1-20 22:54:37 此回覆已被刪除
HaHaHello 2021-1-20 23:36:31 My personal understanding is that the strength of democracy is that
"No policy is perfect. We implement a policy which creates something good, but its side effect will show up a few years later. Democracy allows us to change the leader and hence, polices every few years."




You are still try to say the election is not fair. What you said is complete wrong. The media did not support Trump not because the media are controlled by anti-Trump people. The true reasons are these:
(1) The media just reflect the view of general Americans. It is true that the media can change the opinions of general public. But the general public also change the contents of the media: the media write what people want to read. Due to the change of the population and other reasons, GOP is not the Americans flavor. In the past 32 years, only one GOP president candidate have won the popular votes. All other GOP former presidents in the past 32 years won their presidency by electoral votes.

For example, I just don't read those Chinese communism newspapers published in Hong Kong. Remember that people only read or listen what they like.

Your words "無限次的投票" prove that you are still try to say the election is unfair.
No election is 100% fair because those in power has an advantage. In this case, Trump has the advantage.

If the election was unfair, then it would be the fault of Trump. He was the American President, then why did he fail to make the election fair! Remember that USA was under his control.

Conclusion: What you siad is 100% wrong.

(2) The media did not support Trump because Trump did not really fight COVID-19. Without COVID-19, almost all people believe that Trump can win the election easily. So, what you said about "controlling the media" is 100% wrong. The media was 100% to blame Trump for failing to fight COVID-19.

Final conclusion: everything you said above is 100% wrong!


HaHaHello 2021-1-20 23:42:43 For example, 共產 is not necessary bad. For example, 共產 party has won the France election and has a good job for France.

Unfortunately, most dictators have used 共產 to form their dictatorship.

So what you is 100% wrong.
25545 2021-1-20 23:45:16 唔識講英文就講返中文啦柒頭
very much very much
新用戶(十七歲) 2021-1-20 23:48:15 其實好多連登仔睇美國新聞來源都係來自返連登
蜜絲佛陀 2021-1-20 23:52:32