川普以34%的支持率謝幕 任內平均支持率為史上最低
中国口交部 2021-1-19 18:56:25 零公信力


Genzo 2021-1-19 18:57:29 仲要條友只係用Trump 一句無執行過嘅說話就當係證據
但同時啲造票片就話唔係證據, 雙重標準到呢
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-19 18:59:32 左膠D"獨裁者"都唔知咩黎, 佢地鐘意話邊個係就係

我覺得有個話陶傑係白人至上主義者, 我屌佢老母, 陶傑連白人都唔係, 都可以係白人至上主義者
Genzo 2021-1-19 19:01:03 用法庭唔接受啲證據, 去做"無證據顯示有選擇舞弊"就得
但過唔到impeachment 都仲可以用Trump 一句無執行過嘅說話就當係證據證明佢係dictator, 雙重標準
愛爾蘭共和軍 2021-1-19 19:01:53 敖卓軒,香港國際戰線駐華府發言人
Genzo 2021-1-19 19:02:38
HaHaHello 2021-1-19 19:04:20 Some of the polls are very good and some of the polls are very bad.

Rejecting all the polls result is wrong.

The polls last year correctly predicted that Biden would win the election.
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-19 19:04:43 我真心覺得, 一個人唔係無知, 唔係白卡佬精神分裂, 又唔係大奸大惡偽善之輩, 佢真無可能係一個左膠

拜登個仔咁屌佢個姪女, 又有哂相佢同細路女一齊. 有埋msg記錄佢老豆完全知情, 左膠竟然當無野

我先唔講你支唔支持阿侵, 你班咁女權的左膠, 做乜忽然啞左? 睇唔撚到??
Genzo 2021-1-19 19:05:04 唔打粵文就咪上連登. 打英文仲要理所當然咁.
Genzo 2021-1-19 19:06:16 我呢, 我就討厭政治嘅

但我更討厭雙重標準, 因為我擁抱常識
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-19 19:09:46 係, 我都係憎呢樣

阿侵個人唔係無缺點, 但呢班左膠搶住含拜登條撚, 又為乜? 佢係47年老政客, 左膠想佢改變世界? 佢地係咪戇撚鳩?

真係幫你打走政客果個阿侵, 你就比人搧動去趕走佢. 咁依家點? 你係咪咁天真以為呢個係"新時代"?



工程仔. 2021-1-19 19:15:35 How can a dictator not be in control of the media?
大便論家 2021-1-19 19:17:08
真係同你認真對數就無謂啦 MSM有幾多民調係準架
Transque623 2021-1-19 19:18:58 此回覆已被刪除
★_★ 2021-1-19 19:21:20 Haha you are so fkin funny.
MolaMolaMola 2021-1-19 19:24:24 好撚正
Kieran 2021-1-19 19:30:34 講咁多做咩

兒登仔意氣用事 唔會接受現實
HaHaHello 2021-1-19 21:06:38 People (including Trump and myself) always do something good and also do something bad. When we judge a person we have to combine all this person has done (good and bad).

I just pointed out something good and something bad of him in the my earlier comment.

Trump has tried hard to bring the manufacturing jobs back to USA. I have not checked whether he has succeeded in bringing a lot of such jobs back. Even so, no other former USA president has even tried to do this.

In short, Trump can do crazy things that other USA presidents brave enough to do. Hence, he can address some long term problems that have been ignored in decades. However a sword has two edges. Any new policy has its own side effect. He will also create new problems. He should be good for USA in his first term because he introduced changes.

Winston Churchill said," Democracy is a mess, but it is the best system we had."

My personal understanding is that the strength of democracy is that
"No policy is perfect. We implement a policy which creates something good, but its side effect will show up a few years later. Democracy allows us to change the leader and hence, polices every few years."

Trump brought the changes and hence I thought he would be good in his first term.

Trump admired Putin openly: "Putin runs Russia as his own company" and his other speeches and behavior suggested strongly he wanted to be a dictator.

If USA was not a long established democrat country, then I would say that Trump should be bad for USA in his second term. Since USA is a long established democrat country, so I was sure not sure whether he would be good for USA in his second term.
HaHaHello 2021-1-19 21:09:02 USA is well established country and Trump has just begun to take over the country and become the dictator. If he succeeds, then he can control the media.
HaHaHello 2021-1-19 21:21:06 No every member in LIHKG cannot accept the true. LIHKG has more than 300,000 members when I joined LIHKG about one and half years ago. So, I am sure that there are many members who can control their emotion and think rationally.

I try to point out the real situation we are facing now, so that we can take the correct actions to fight China.

Only a handful of Hong Kongers were anti-China 40 years ago, we were so powerless. Now, I am so glad to know that so many young Hong Kongers hate China so much. I hope all members in LIHKG can understand different opinions from different members so that we can be stronger together to fight China. Therefore, I spend so much time to talk to them.
穴黑峰高 2021-1-19 21:24:48 咁把炮你唔好睇中文唔好上中文Forum吖笨


Genzo 2021-1-19 21:50:52 上面你雙重標準就喺度迴避

唔打粵文就咪上連登. 打英文仲要理所當然咁.
Genzo 2021-1-19 21:51:05 上面你雙重標準就喺度迴避

唔打粵文就咪上連登. 打英文仲要理所當然咁.
Genzo 2021-1-19 21:51:15 上面你雙重標準就喺度迴避

唔打粵文就咪上連登. 打英文仲要理所當然咁.
Genzo 2021-1-19 21:52:02 咪就係,條友喺度用中文嚟偷換港式粵文