A series adaptation of “Tales of Dunk and Egg,” a prequel to the events of “Game of Thrones,” is in early development at HBO, Variety has learned exclusively from sources.
The one-hour show would be based on the series of fantasy novellas by George R. R. Martin, which follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and a young Aegon V Targaryen (Egg) 90 years prior to the events of “A Song of Ice and Fire.”
No writer or talent is currently attached to the project, but sources say it is a high priority for HBO as the premium cabler looks to build on the success of “Game of Thrones.”
Should the project go to series, it would be the second “Game of Thrones” prequel to make it to screen. The network is currently prepping the series “House of the Dragon,” which is slated to debut in 2022. That show will document the buildup to the Targaryen civil war in Westeros that is known as the Dance of Dragons.
In addition to the upcoming prequel series House of the Dragon, the network is looking to potentially greenlight more shows set in the world of Westeros, sources say.
One of which, just reported by Variety, is a project based on Dunk and Egg in early development. The Dunk and Egg stories by author George R.R. Martin follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and a young Aegon V Targaryen and are set 90 years before the events in Thrones.
But that's not all. HBO has been meeting with several top writers pitching other ideas based on Martin's works. Among the ideas being contemplated is a prequel series based on Robert's Rebellion – the war for the Iron Throne that upended Westeros a couple of decades before the events in Thrones.
One of the writers is a name familiar to HBO genre fans: Bruno Heller, who created the acclaimed historical drama Rome, a series that was seen as a bit of a short-lived precursor to Thrones. That said, no writer is yet officially attached to any project.
All the concepts are prequels set in Westeros and Essos before the events in GoT; there are no sequels or spin-offs from the original series currently under consideration.
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