【Disney+】Wandavision 劇透討論區
一晚長大 2021-1-30 22:06:35 https://marvelstudiosnews.com/2018/11/02/not-in-theaters-today-how-inhumans-became-the-phase-3-marvel-movie-that-never-was/
In August 2015, it was reported that Marvel Studios had been moved out of Marvel Entertainment. Feige and his team would no longer report to anyone else at Marvel. They would report directly to The Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn, the same as all other Disney-owned studios (Pixar, Lucasfilm, etc.). Marvel Television, however, still rolled up to the larger Marvel Entertainment on Disney’s organization chart.

Evidently, Feige and company were not all that interested in Inhumans. In April 2016, not long after Feige had moved Marvel Studios out from under Marvel CEO Isaac Perlmutter, Inhumans was dropped from the release slate. Further proof that Inhumans was more for Marvel Entertainment than it ever was for Marvel Studios came seven months later.

In November 2016, Marvel announced Inhumans was heading to ABC.



Damian_W 2021-1-30 22:07:06 大佬呀Inhumans本身已經少出品
利申Inhumans fans
Limbo 2021-1-30 22:10:49 Inhuman 衰之前就all connected.
Damian_W 2021-1-30 22:12:06
Limbo 2021-1-30 22:21:40 我有看並不等於認同,連Conan 同strange academy 都是追緊

身為marvel 讀者,獨立思考都好緊要
一晚長大 2021-1-30 22:25:01 Your judgement is askew
Damian_W 2021-1-30 22:31:51 Black Bolt件衫幾好睇
幕杜輝 2021-1-30 22:32:56 https://youtu.be/d4apbFxa87M
Grogu 2021-1-30 22:33:43 Wtf,啲costume全部柒到一個點喎
Damian_W 2021-1-30 22:34:30
捐木呀 2021-1-30 22:35:31 睇完仲吊癮


Grogu 2021-1-30 22:37:42 我睇慣左Aos嗰啲都覺得唔掂
3000 2021-1-30 22:51:59 哈囉喂?
阿輝(LMD) 2021-1-30 22:59:36 疑似流出 請4重加密啦好嘛
史蒂芬(隊長) 2021-1-30 23:19:14 路人cos快銀?
老人K 2021-1-30 23:22:40 咪fox xmen個演員囉
Ultron 2021-1-30 23:22:57 聽講因為呢次流出,Disney+可能下星期連出兩集
GuyBerryman 2021-1-30 23:24:17 最尾左二係咩人黎?
史蒂芬(隊長) 2021-1-30 23:24:21 我意思係劇情係halloween,佢係咪純粹演路人扮快銀
杜太個仔(杜蘭特) 2021-1-30 23:24:54 唔好呃我哋喇
Scythe 2021-1-30 23:25:41 咁順攤,係咪自己放架


防菌迪路獸 2021-1-30 23:27:58 應該係Speed﹐Wiccan個twin
GuyBerryman 2021-1-30 23:28:53 我覺得都似
史蒂芬(隊長) 2021-1-30 23:31:54 如果真係咁玩
Damian_W 2021-1-30 23:33:02 Daimon Hellstorm