曾俊華(John) 2021-1-13 23:35:54 National security law: Beijing ‘mulling’ public office ban on British National (Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong

Beijing is mulling whether to ban British National (Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong from public office in retaliation over London’s decision to offer them right of abode, the Post has learned.

Officials were divided, however, on whether they should also call for the more drastic step of denying Hongkongers with such BN(O) status the right to vote in the city.

These proposals are believed to be in a suite of Hong Kong issues to be discussed when China’s top legislative body meets next week. But a final decision may not be made or announced even after the session, sources said.


超級星期六 2021-1-13 23:36:56
聖手幫幫主 2021-1-13 23:37:04 支持
L.Modric 2021-1-13 23:37:30
盧迪烏斯格雷拉特 2021-1-13 23:38:00 吓? 就咁? 說好的反制呢?
紫青嫣 2021-1-13 23:38:03 此回覆已被刪除
HKAD 2021-1-13 23:38:09 Bc呢?
齋啡佬 2021-1-13 23:38:16 有咩人會反對
路經此地 2021-1-13 23:38:18 快啦
我偶像山本一夫 2021-1-13 23:38:48 此回覆已被刪除
空降獵兵 2021-1-13 23:38:50


曾俊華(John) 2021-1-13 23:38:54 區議員都計落public office
滋味滋味棒 2021-1-13 23:39:08 問題係點知果個人有無bno
SEED8210 2021-1-13 23:39:18
Mononoaware 2021-1-13 23:39:55 政府點會唔知
pop子 2021-1-13 23:39:58 唔係掛

搞埋bc 好冇
善良的地雷 2021-1-13 23:40:10 公職話唔定係拎緊BC
膠原蛋白 2021-1-13 23:40:18 公務員interview前要填自己有乜passport
一息不斷不甘志短 2021-1-13 23:40:18 此回覆已被刪除
遺失了的星夜拼圖 2021-1-13 23:40:23 直接一刀切
UST南亞仔 2021-1-13 23:40:45 本身中共唔承認居英權BC


花生殼清潔工 2021-1-13 23:40:59 此回覆已被刪除
李東旭 2021-1-13 23:41:05 G chi
あらがきゆい 2021-1-13 23:41:07 支持, 公務員要取消晒BNO同外國護照, 全部要審查先可以移民, 唔係出賣中央出賣特區政府點算
雞仔餅 2021-1-13 23:41:07
