Kevin_lo 2021-1-13 22:49:22 哈哈哈 真的好笑


軒轅虛z雲傲 2021-1-13 22:50:58 AH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN
Tony.Montana 2021-1-13 22:58:27 there ain't no 'up north', anymore. It's all down south now. Tommy 做到Tony做唔到嘅嘢
閒人老師 2021-1-13 23:10:56 人生五十年,與天地長久相較,如夢又似幻;一度得生者,豈有不滅者乎
咿唷的尾巴 2021-1-13 23:12:11 Smell ya later
樂子 2021-1-13 23:14:22 終究不過是一條野狗嗎
三國周郎赤壁 2021-1-13 23:38:35 Go go go
慘過番印度 2021-1-13 23:41:51 Lok’Tar Ogar!
Porzingis#6 2021-1-13 23:44:09 嗨肉腳你們好呀
遠離顛倒夢想 2021-1-13 23:48:35 Where other men blindly follow the truth, Remember, nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, Remember, everything is permitted.
We work in the dark to serve the light.
We are assassins.


Fuck Ubisoft
紅白男 2021-1-13 23:49:13 配音黎講


煙花三月 2021-1-14 00:14:07 Wasted
死侍奇俠 2021-1-14 00:17:54 We need more money
督川碩史 2021-1-14 00:19:34 yeah~good girl
連登太多韓馬利 2021-1-14 00:23:27 Snake answer me Snake~~~~~~~
Cirilla 2021-1-14 00:27:30 War. War never changes.

The Light lives in all places... In all things... You can block it... Even try to trap it... But the Light will always find its way.

The First Flame quickly fades.
Darkness will shortly settle.
But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.
Like embers, linked by lords past.
"Ashen one, hearest thou my voice, still?"
Cirilla 2021-1-14 00:30:02 呢句嘢in game都冇出現過
全職賭撚二十世 2021-1-14 00:54:26 等我話你知咩叫眼前一黑啦
Double哥 2021-1-14 01:08:44 既不回頭,何必不忘;既然無緣,何需誓言。
好撚想屌閪 2021-1-14 01:12:35 此回覆已被刪除
黑警冷血林鄭殺港 2021-1-14 01:17:32 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0-_T7E360Zo


温泉火鍋 2021-1-14 01:22:39 頂你個肺!無理由輸既!再黎!

布魯諾布加拉提 2021-1-14 01:23:02 此回覆已被刪除
雞蛋與高牆 2021-1-14 01:24:14 EA SPORT
i佛于 2021-1-14 01:25:48 sir yes sir