LIHKG 推到完場之美國大選選情集中討論區 18
德薩斯州總統 2021-1-15 19:37:09 此回覆已被刪除


笨笨森 2021-1-15 19:39:23 再選其實trump 又未必話贏,不過打晒d 大老虎,對家一黎無乜人,二黎trump 民望值應該會好高(前提係大部份美國人覺醒,如果仲係美豬就真係GG
侵侵凍蒜 2021-1-15 19:41:31 咁佢同民兵組織封後門先都係現階段嘅好方法嚟嘅。因為有咩事條數就入廢登度
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 19:41:54

JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 19:44:49 20號就知真定假
儲錢要供823 2021-1-15 19:52:55 把自己看得那麼高
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:00:01
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:00:51 FISA is the surveillance apparatus DS uses to vet people entering into government. Get all the dirt they can on someone at the entry and then blackmail them if they want in. This is why so many in Washington are corrupt. They HAVE to be to get in. Play the game and you're in. FISA=START.

Boom week ahead. BIG. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. 17…18…19…20…

FISA will expose U1, human trafficking, Haiti. New releases each day, culminating on the 20th by when Biden will be forced to concede. POTUS ran unopposed. Think James Monroe picture with Pompeo and Trump.

They know Trump is going to release FISA. That's why they are tying to impeach him. But the fact is, he already has declassified it. They are too late to the game.

January 6 was a trap. POTUS needed military in Washington for what is about to drop. MAGA rally gave antifa enough time to prepare to storm the Capitol. POTUS shows up late. Holds rally longer than expected. Antifa starts without him. Patriots are spared the brunt of the attack. Dems and Media play their hand anyway. Claim POTUS led the attacks. Call for troops to secure Washington against "unhinged President". Game Theory. Trump led them from behind. Got them to wall themselves in. Now they are trapped and there's no way out.

FISA will bring down the house of cards. Media will attempt to block it. This is the communications blackout. Not done by Trump. Done by Deep State in a last ditch effort to prevent the REVEAL. POTUS will not be speaking to the nation on these issues to remain neutral for optics reasons. Military will be taking temporary control until things are sorted out.

Biden knows something's up. Virtual Inauguration. What happened to his broken foot? Camela? Has she given up her Senate seat yet? 20,000 troops for what reason? Primary Fallout will be in DC on both sides. Look at Republicans who turn-coat on challenging the election. Look at Republicans who voted for impeachment. Last ditch effort to save themselves. FISA was the start of their career in Washington and will be the end of it. Let the cards fall. 10 days darkness started on Jan 7. Boom day is the 17th with a new boom each day afterward. Suicide Weekend?
我登必勝 2021-1-15 20:06:45 其實時間機器事情有啲複雜,首先要知道邊幾派外星人,暫時我知道嘅有3-4個派為主嘅外星人,其中以外來蜥蜴人同未來人類就係而家鬥得最激烈:



劉班長 2021-1-15 20:06:52 準到
通街都係處 2021-1-15 20:07:11


Klopp_lfc 2021-1-15 20:07:58
作反呀 我登輕鬆宣誓呀
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:11:26
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:13:32


19th January = Popcorn day!
勇武bro(已退埸) 2021-1-15 20:14:49
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-15 20:15:28
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:15:55

JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:16:21 G chi 樓豬
硬膠胸奴 2021-1-15 20:16:37 此回覆已被刪除
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:19:32
努力向上 2021-1-15 20:21:25 師兄停啦好嗎?
唔好再撚佢地啦 你老味你真係撚狗咁撚佢地


JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:22:03
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-15 20:23:55
孤單又燦爛 2021-1-15 20:24:06 D留言 愈來愈超現實
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-15 20:24:50 全力以赴支持G Chi登伯伯宣誓✊🏻