Signal 開始多人
北千手卓一夫 2021-1-12 00:15:45 按實個msg


北千手卓一夫 2021-1-12 00:16:47 如果想”Reply”
好似tinder咁swipe right個msg就得
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-1-12 00:16:57 用到喎
善良的地雷 2021-1-12 00:17:28 唔知好消息定壞消息,我個signal開始見到商家
哈姆太樂 2021-1-12 00:17:38 Thz
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-1-12 00:18:26 都有
麻友是雞 2021-1-12 00:18:52 有了
埋鏡拼拼 2021-1-12 00:19:09 其實一樣咁用
唯讀CDROM 2021-1-12 00:19:36
Jinapiggie 2021-1-12 00:20:10 夠哂簡單易用
關唔關你事? 2021-1-12 00:20:45 有冇巴絲同我一樣down唔到stickers


聾婆走得快 2021-1-12 00:21:03 感謝你啊
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-1-12 00:21:31 +1
點撚知你 2021-1-12 00:22:12 熄咗佢再開就SHOW返哂出黎
opensource 2021-1-12 00:22:17 ngo嚟,而且佢手上得你註冊日期同最後上線時間,其他帳戶嘢都唔知,點畀?

open source,做咗衰嘢好快有人知
抽水真心膠 2021-1-12 00:24:00
我個名好正常 2021-1-12 00:24:18 敵疲我打,敵退我追
鹹濕佬 2021-1-12 00:25:10 轉咗
2盒thanks! 2021-1-12 00:25:10 PIN呢個
opensource 2021-1-12 00:25:45 tg group chats係冇e2ee,而且佢嗰個e2ee protocol係自主研發,而唔係用公開驗證過嘅signal,依個係死罪
起機無難度 2021-1-12 00:26:09 奶共豬閪食撚屎


Sun奇犽 2021-1-12 00:26:35 both on

Allow from anyone off => Signal will only allow sealed sender messages to go between accounts that have already established trust, particularly by being in each others' contact lists. If you block someone Signal has made cryptographic tweaks so they will still be barred from messaging you—even if you are in each others' contacts.

Allow from anyone on => an attacker sitting inside the service will only see encrypted messages going to their destinations, and won't be able to see where they came from.

Display indicators on => a status icon to indicate messages which have been sent using the scheme
牧羊記 2021-1-12 00:27:16 平身
牧羊記 2021-1-12 00:27:30 連登有愛
date0 2021-1-12 00:28:50 此回覆已被刪除