LIHKG [最終回倒數4] 進擊的巨人漫畫討論 - 136話
🔥埃の魔神 2021-1-8 17:12:19 兩句意思有咩唔同


港股佬 2021-1-8 17:15:01
綠野浩翔 2021-1-8 17:16:24 此回覆已被刪除
尋找 2021-1-8 17:23:25 呢種女仔又醒又叻

隻比卡超勾引我 2021-1-8 17:26:20 MVP係猿生喎
豆奶特濃 2021-1-8 17:27:16 吉克 你堆啊
二二二二 2021-1-8 17:28:53 返工之巨人
Verycool 2021-1-8 17:44:38

他媽歌詞 2021-1-8 17:48:47 此回覆已被刪除
Verycool 2021-1-8 17:48:50 認真睇下人地講乜, 唔係笑你
你係咪唔開心呀 2021-1-8 18:03:02 Ummmm 老實講我都唔sure 始終日文唔係我母語
日本人似乎覺得個講法顯得 hange同巨人就係單戀,隱含住hange係同我/邊個係兩思い(雙戀)..?
但我當時就諗會唔會諗多左 ff呢 雖然咁樣嘅講法真係有d特別

但估佢唔到 居然係單行本修正特登將片思い改做片想い (似乎戀愛意義更濃)
頭盔:CP爭論絕無意義 我都唔係要大家覺得邊個一定鐘意邊個 你地當日文研究好喇

不過老實個句無論點 都對劇情都冇影響lu



白色房間 2021-1-8 18:14:32 做任何事先得一兩年就心淡係唔會有任何成果

散下心放低一段時間再繼續 反正係成世人嘅作業
赫爾墨斯 2021-1-8 18:43:14 That campfire scene of Levi talking with his comrades about a world without Titans is truly the explanation of the Survey Corps spirit. The Survey Corps is an army of dreamers, idealists, and weirdoes. Almost everyone in the Survey corps was weird or special in some way like Eren, Erwin, Levi, Oluo, Mike, Hange, and Eld.

For a society that lives completely in the walls the idea that the world could be free of Titans was a radical one. That's why the king allowed the Survey corps so that those with radical ideas like Eren can go die-off beyond the walls and so he could maintain his paradise.

When the Survey corps won the battle of Shiganshina the whole Survey Corps changed. It was no longer a radical hated group but the strongest symbol of hope in Paradis. EVERYONE wanted to join the SC and it got a ton of new members.

But these members were not the same as the old ones. The SC now had members who were part of the common people and who wanted to fulfill the role of a traditional army and not a radical organization. This explains why the old guard of the Survey Corps is so supportive of the Alliance and the old government while new members like Louise join the Yaegarests. While you can argue that the Yaegarests are correct you cant argue that they are anything close to the same Survey Corps of the old Paradis.

Armin is the perfect Scout Commander as his idealism is completely different from the ideas in the walls right now. His love of the outside world and tendency to talk is at complete odds with the Yaegarest ideals of radical nationalism and hate of the outside world.
赫爾墨斯 2021-1-8 18:51:00 唯一真理

你苦幹左未 2021-1-8 18:51:15 係船度有講過阿妮都係透過飲其他巨人脊髓液從而獲得部分能力
慈父菲利普 2021-1-8 18:52:14 問題點解要食艾撚老母,而唔係揾艾撚老豆
糖兄的餐單 2021-1-8 18:59:48
y1plau 2021-1-8 19:09:56 我都想講,例如第一季兵長問艾倫信唔信隊友,創哥都冇比真正嘅答案
藻野 2021-1-8 19:10:25 車力係因為體力好先可以不停變
對人時始終係移動炮台威脅更大 脫出時無保護容易被亂槍射死
神SinB 2021-1-8 19:10:57 主席用始祖能力叫戴娜去食老母觸發劇情

撚不撚 2021-1-8 19:17:21 佢講得唔清楚原來所有巨人都可以咁

所有巨人都可以咁的證據就係 艾倫係始祖巨個發光洞到咬爆左 布朗個支野之後拎到硬化能力


凍華田(ガッキー) 2021-1-8 19:28:43
只信ElonMusk 2021-1-8 19:32:58 此回覆已被刪除
癡根情長劍 2021-1-8 19:38:21 鬥長命
大抽野 2021-1-8 19:52:15 而家仲有咩伏筆未收