2021-1-8 18:43:14
That campfire scene of Levi talking with his comrades about a world without Titans is truly the explanation of the Survey Corps spirit. The Survey Corps is an army of dreamers, idealists, and weirdoes. Almost everyone in the Survey corps was weird or special in some way like Eren, Erwin, Levi, Oluo, Mike, Hange, and Eld.
For a society that lives completely in the walls the idea that the world could be free of Titans was a radical one. That's why the king allowed the Survey corps so that those with radical ideas like Eren can go die-off beyond the walls and so he could maintain his paradise.
When the Survey corps won the battle of Shiganshina the whole Survey Corps changed. It was no longer a radical hated group but the strongest symbol of hope in Paradis. EVERYONE wanted to join the SC and it got a ton of new members.
But these members were not the same as the old ones. The SC now had members who were part of the common people and who wanted to fulfill the role of a traditional army and not a radical organization. This explains why the old guard of the Survey Corps is so supportive of the Alliance and the old government while new members like Louise join the Yaegarests. While you can argue that the Yaegarests are correct you cant argue that they are anything close to the same Survey Corps of the old Paradis.
Armin is the perfect Scout Commander as his idealism is completely different from the ideas in the walls right now. His love of the outside world and tendency to talk is at complete odds with the Yaegarest ideals of radical nationalism and hate of the outside world. https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/ksonzs/this_chapter_explains_the_true_spirit_of_the/