史提升 2017-6-8 16:04:49




蒙面人間大炮 2017-6-8 16:07:31 澳洲咁多人移民過去會唔會爆煲
熊式朋友 2017-6-8 16:09:11

qs狗衝澳洲 2017-6-8 16:16:00

3,4,5年前已經勁多內地留學移民公司係咁煲qs e科,話咩移民no.1 冷門, 再者咁岩無獨有偶,2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2107 既qs filled in/quota= 10xx/21xx ; 10xx/29xx, 18xx/21xx; 今年uptodate filled-in rate高左咁鬼多,同埋今年qs,cvill eng, land economist, valuer etc 都flagged左,房地產和工程相關既技術移民ooccupation好似好大隱憂,好驚驚
老母湊大湊母老 2017-6-8 20:35:14



喵喵喵喵 2017-6-8 20:51:22

見到有幾位qs brother 都諗緊走佬去澳洲,其實我有個問題係關於aiqs skilled assessment,佢basic既requirement都幾低下

pathway 3: qualified oversee degree + min 2yrs post-qualification exp
(i.e. aiqs skilled assessment http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/documents/Skilled%20Migration%20Assessment%20Policy%202016.pdf)

我就7 8年前u grad in surveying 既,但一直都冇乜心做qs, 但都叫做有斷斷續續 2-3 yrs qs full time work experience (同埋都搵得番曬d supervisors 簽得到果d supervision,同埋supervisor 都係 chartered &/or meet到佢既requipment) ; degree就qualified既,但擔心佢min 2 yrs post-qualification exp e 個requirement 會唔會其實"真係basic", 真正成功過到aiqs既skilled assessment既人遠遠超過2yrs exp呢?


thz x 10000000000

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未
qs狗衝澳洲 2017-6-8 21:33:40

見到有幾位qs brother 都諗緊走佬去澳洲,其實我有個問題係關於aiqs skilled assessment,佢basic既requirement都幾低下

pathway 3: qualified oversee degree + min 2yrs post-qualification exp
(i.e. aiqs skilled assessment http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/documents/Skilled%20Migration%20Assessment%20Policy%202016.pdf)

我就7 8年前u grad in surveying 既,但一直都冇乜心做qs, 但都叫做有斷斷續續 2-3 yrs qs full time work experience (同埋都搵得番曬d supervisors 簽得到果d supervision,同埋supervisor 都係 chartered &/or meet到佢既requipment) ; degree就qualified既,但擔心佢min 2 yrs post-qualification exp e 個requirement 會唔會其實"真係basic", 真正成功過到aiqs既skilled assessment既人遠遠超過2yrs exp呢?


thz x 10000000000

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未

我冇牌呀,但係邊度收番黎既風,要有牌先pass到個assessment lol?
喵喵喵喵 2017-6-9 11:49:44

見到有幾位qs brother 都諗緊走佬去澳洲,其實我有個問題係關於aiqs skilled assessment,佢basic既requirement都幾低下

pathway 3: qualified oversee degree + min 2yrs post-qualification exp
(i.e. aiqs skilled assessment http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/documents/Skilled%20Migration%20Assessment%20Policy%202016.pdf)

我就7 8年前u grad in surveying 既,但一直都冇乜心做qs, 但都叫做有斷斷續續 2-3 yrs qs full time work experience (同埋都搵得番曬d supervisors 簽得到果d supervision,同埋supervisor 都係 chartered &/or meet到佢既requipment) ; degree就qualified既,但擔心佢min 2 yrs post-qualification exp e 個requirement 會唔會其實"真係basic", 真正成功過到aiqs既skilled assessment既人遠遠超過2yrs exp呢?


thz x 10000000000

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未

我冇牌呀,但係邊度收番黎既風,要有牌先pass到個assessment lol?

你講完,再睇下上面份pdf 又真係好似無講要有牌先會pass 到
qs狗衝澳洲 2017-6-9 16:01:25

見到有幾位qs brother 都諗緊走佬去澳洲,其實我有個問題係關於aiqs skilled assessment,佢basic既requirement都幾低下

pathway 3: qualified oversee degree + min 2yrs post-qualification exp
(i.e. aiqs skilled assessment http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/documents/Skilled%20Migration%20Assessment%20Policy%202016.pdf)

我就7 8年前u grad in surveying 既,但一直都冇乜心做qs, 但都叫做有斷斷續續 2-3 yrs qs full time work experience (同埋都搵得番曬d supervisors 簽得到果d supervision,同埋supervisor 都係 chartered &/or meet到佢既requipment) ; degree就qualified既,但擔心佢min 2 yrs post-qualification exp e 個requirement 會唔會其實"真係basic", 真正成功過到aiqs既skilled assessment既人遠遠超過2yrs exp呢?


thz x 10000000000

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未

我冇牌呀,但係邊度收番黎既風,要有牌先pass到個assessment lol?

你講完,再睇下上面份pdf 又真係好似無講要有牌先會pass 到

荀子大傻仔 2017-6-9 19:44:02 老美個EB-3 其實係咪做低技術勞工?
邊撚到俊啊 2017-6-9 19:45:15 年尾去美帝了


喵喵喵喵 2017-6-9 20:07:53

見到有幾位qs brother 都諗緊走佬去澳洲,其實我有個問題係關於aiqs skilled assessment,佢basic既requirement都幾低下

pathway 3: qualified oversee degree + min 2yrs post-qualification exp
(i.e. aiqs skilled assessment http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/documents/Skilled%20Migration%20Assessment%20Policy%202016.pdf)

我就7 8年前u grad in surveying 既,但一直都冇乜心做qs, 但都叫做有斷斷續續 2-3 yrs qs full time work experience (同埋都搵得番曬d supervisors 簽得到果d supervision,同埋supervisor 都係 chartered &/or meet到佢既requipment) ; degree就qualified既,但擔心佢min 2 yrs post-qualification exp e 個requirement 會唔會其實"真係basic", 真正成功過到aiqs既skilled assessment既人遠遠超過2yrs exp呢?


thz x 10000000000

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未

我冇牌呀,但係邊度收番黎既風,要有牌先pass到個assessment lol?

你講完,再睇下上面份pdf 又真係好似無講要有牌先會pass 到


留個tg 交流下
qs狗衝澳洲 2017-6-9 22:15:29

佢係assess你工作經驗,俾唔俾visa 你唔關佢事㗎,佢係提供服務,唔係幫移民局截龍,你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會

““““你同其他人有30年經驗一齊去俾佢assess 都唔會影響你過唔過到嘅機會“““
對這正正是我的關注點,因為aiqs 最後只會address你係"suitable or not suitable"

"If you wish to apply to migrate to Australia as a Quantity Surveyor under the General Skilled Migration Program, you will need to have your skills assessed by the AIQS prior to submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI). The AIQS will assess your skills and/or qualifications as either “suitable” or “not suitable” for your nominated occupation against the AIQS requirements it has established."


但係佢“甚至“冇寫過話會根據“其他野”去assess Ur suitability 除在果兩個19既basic requirements

所以我既interpretation係,好似真係單單meet到果兩個basic requirements, 就會話你suitable, 係咁就好喇;但我就係擔心唔係,如果唔係就真係要過去補個master行pathway 1=="

好似一定要有qs 牌先得,巴打去拎左牌未

我冇牌呀,但係邊度收番黎既風,要有牌先pass到個assessment lol?

你講完,再睇下上面份pdf 又真係好似無講要有牌先會pass 到


留個tg 交流下

Ho ar
很想入三大 2017-6-9 23:00:28

3,4,5年前已經勁多內地留學移民公司係咁煲qs e科,話咩移民no.1 冷門, 再者咁岩無獨有偶,2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2107 既qs filled in/quota= 10xx/21xx ; 10xx/29xx, 18xx/21xx; 今年uptodate filled-in rate高左咁鬼多,同埋今年qs,cvill eng, land economist, valuer etc 都flagged左,房地產和工程相關既技術移民ooccupation好似好大隱憂,好驚驚

其實係邊度搵之前幾年的fill in人數
qs狗衝澳洲 2017-6-9 23:09:26

3,4,5年前已經勁多內地留學移民公司係咁煲qs e科,話咩移民no.1 冷門, 再者咁岩無獨有偶,2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2107 既qs filled in/quota= 10xx/21xx ; 10xx/29xx, 18xx/21xx; 今年uptodate filled-in rate高左咁鬼多,同埋今年qs,cvill eng, land economist, valuer etc 都flagged左,房地產和工程相關既技術移民ooccupation好似好大隱憂,好驚驚

其實係邊度搵之前幾年的fill in人數

google search d 第三方網站jar 我
軒達文 2017-6-10 02:56:52 其實用居英權入左英籍
離地本土派 2017-6-10 09:47:22

離地本土派 2017-6-10 09:56:54 啱啱見到,有postgrad學歷可以去荷蘭搵工,限期一年,如果你搵到公司續working visa就可以移民

Foreigners who are highly educated graduates can legally live in the Netherlands by applying for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of taking one 'orientation year'.

If you've been awarded a Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degree from a Dutch university or abroad at one of the world's top universities within the last three years, you can apply for a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for one year to look for work.

This visa is open to citizens of all nationalities!

Hong Kong:
1) The University of Hong Kong
2) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
3) The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
4) City University of Hong Kong;
5) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

If you've been awarded a Master's or PhD degree from a Dutch university or abroad at one of the world's top universities within the last three years, you can apply for a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for one year to look for work.
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:31:02 官方網站:


雖然同working holiday visa有啲似,但係呢個visa只係 for 高學歷人才
唔洗留學歐洲都可以去荷蘭搵工,順便移民做歐盟公民,今次fat fat囉
離地本土派 2017-6-10 10:37:31


雖然同working holiday visa有啲似,但係呢個visa只係 for 高學歷人才
唔洗留學歐洲都可以去荷蘭搵工,順便移民做歐盟公民,今次fat fat囉

You can even bring your partner with you to the Netherlands. Your partner will also enjoy full access to the labor market during your Search Year. If you change your visa into a Highly Skilled Migrant visa, your partner will continue to have full access to the labor market.
嘩 荷蘭果然係大愛包容 一個visa搞埋partner過荷蘭都得,方便到呢
光影不再 2017-6-11 09:41:15


雖然同working holiday visa有啲似,但係呢個visa只係 for 高學歷人才
唔洗留學歐洲都可以去荷蘭搵工,順便移民做歐盟公民,今次fat fat囉

You can even bring your partner with you to the Netherlands. Your partner will also enjoy full access to the labor market during your Search Year. If you change your visa into a Highly Skilled Migrant visa, your partner will continue to have full access to the labor market.
嘩 荷蘭果然係大愛包容 一個visa搞埋partner過荷蘭都得,方便到呢



離地本土派 2017-6-11 10:38:30


雖然同working holiday visa有啲似,但係呢個visa只係 for 高學歷人才
唔洗留學歐洲都可以去荷蘭搵工,順便移民做歐盟公民,今次fat fat囉

You can even bring your partner with you to the Netherlands. Your partner will also enjoy full access to the labor market during your Search Year. If you change your visa into a Highly Skilled Migrant visa, your partner will continue to have full access to the labor market.
嘩 荷蘭果然係大愛包容 一個visa搞埋partner過荷蘭都得,方便到呢


離地本土派 2017-6-11 10:41:27 仲有,原來EU Blue Card都係一個人搞技術移民visa可以申請哂全家過去的
(伴侶+ 直系18歲以下子女,total最多五人)
HKG3 2017-6-11 17:43:11

If you are a British Citizen, you can still move to any EU country before Brexit.

Another important point for you to remember is that if you get your British Citizenship via a parent under the British Nationality Selection Scheme (居英權), you are a British Citizen by descent and you cannot automatically pass on your British Citizenship to your child born outside of the UK.
炸豬扒烏冬 2017-6-14 05:41:38


大多數美國人做野係優閒好多既 而且工時同人工合理

除咗喺大公司做 Software Engineer/Developer