二寸三角骨 2017-5-19 22:34:17
諗住過去做special edu or early childhood edu
係咪可以apply 489?
489 係咪易過189/190?

189易啲,反正教蓄都要IELTS 7,7,8,8,考到已經多10分,總分60就夠。

但可唔可以用489 借親戚再屈多10 分?

189教師暫時60分都夠,因為189最快,夠分數就填expression of interest,一個月度批,之後上載所需文件、驗身、打指模,幾個月內搞掂。

關於IELTS,個人覺得speaking 8.0較難拎,listening 就好易,只要你聽多啲IELTS past paper, 聽夠十次,點都擺到。有人話澳洲考speaking 易拎高分,個人經驗:响星加坡考speaking拎7.5,但香港考拎6.5。





二寸三角骨 2017-5-19 22:35:38

二寸三角骨 2017-5-19 22:38:24 今年28, 剛剛轉返教書
所以要儲3年related working exp去拎5分
HKG3 2017-5-19 23:19:19


依個post 唔啱你

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景 +1同感

If you want your child to have British Citizenship - make sure the child is born in the UK.

Please note that Northern Ireland will be better as the child will get Irish citizenship too.

Northern Ireland

Sounds a very good idea
never thought about it, how're the hospitals there?
only think of living in London

NHS hospitals are okay - as a British Citizen, you are entitle to free NHS health care as soon as you enter the UK. If both of you (兩公婆) are British Citizens, going to give birth in Northern Ireland will be free in NHS hospitals. Please note that British Citizens will need to meet a habitual residence test before getting any welfare benefits from the government.

The child will be a British Citizen as well as Irish citizen if he/she was born in Northern Ireland as long as one of you is a British Citizen at the time of the baby's birth. Having Irish citizenship means that the child can live and work in Europe as well.

Starting a new life in the UK is a big move. You and your wife may want to come for a visit before making the decision. What kind of jobs you have in mind? You can apply for a British passport in Hong Kong using the link below -


Thanks so much! The information is very useful!
We both have uk passport, how many years we need to live in UK before we could enjoy the benefit of giving birth in hospital free of charge?
Yes that'd be a big move definitely, we have only been to London and Edinburgh couple of times for leisure trips before, we love the cities but it may probably feel very different when long-staying there.
I'm a financial analyst in a whisky company currently and my wife is a trade marketing manager, I believe I should be able to get a job with ACCA and master degree, not too sure how is the job market at UK, so I wish some day I could internal transfer from Hong Kong office to London office, needa test my luck LOL

As a British Citizen, you and your wife will enjoy free NHS health care (including giving birth) as soon as you are in the UK.

There is always a demand for Cantonese and Mandarin speaking accountants in the UK as there is a large number of Chinese restaurant businesses here.

If you work for a whiskey company, any chance of a transfer to another post with the same company in the UK?
lokomotive 2017-5-20 01:22:41
Good thread


背景: 唔係European,但岩岩德國master畢業,可以留低,但試過水位搵下100大公司,無回音⋯⋯反而日本亂比CV overseas skype有回音和offer(low paid), 決定去日本WH,考埋JLPT N1,搵下工試下情況點。


唔得就完左申請番WH 返去德國/奧地利搵工⋯⋯

你個日本公司offer confirm未?點解仲要再去日本搵工




望吓你後面 2017-5-20 02:07:13 想問吓申請DV-2019 有咩要注意?
小性奴 2017-5-20 04:06:04
小性奴 2017-5-20 04:10:50
金日成 2017-5-20 08:47:36

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景 +1同感

If you want your child to have British Citizenship - make sure the child is born in the UK.

Please note that Northern Ireland will be better as the child will get Irish citizenship too.

Northern Ireland

Sounds a very good idea
never thought about it, how're the hospitals there?
only think of living in London

NHS hospitals are okay - as a British Citizen, you are entitle to free NHS health care as soon as you enter the UK. If both of you (兩公婆) are British Citizens, going to give birth in Northern Ireland will be free in NHS hospitals. Please note that British Citizens will need to meet a habitual residence test before getting any welfare benefits from the government.

The child will be a British Citizen as well as Irish citizen if he/she was born in Northern Ireland as long as one of you is a British Citizen at the time of the baby's birth. Having Irish citizenship means that the child can live and work in Europe as well.

Starting a new life in the UK is a big move. You and your wife may want to come for a visit before making the decision. What kind of jobs you have in mind? You can apply for a British passport in Hong Kong using the link below -


Thanks so much! The information is very useful!
We both have uk passport, how many years we need to live in UK before we could enjoy the benefit of giving birth in hospital free of charge?
Yes that'd be a big move definitely, we have only been to London and Edinburgh couple of times for leisure trips before, we love the cities but it may probably feel very different when long-staying there.
I'm a financial analyst in a whisky company currently and my wife is a trade marketing manager, I believe I should be able to get a job with ACCA and master degree, not too sure how is the job market at UK, so I wish some day I could internal transfer from Hong Kong office to London office, needa test my luck LOL

As a British Citizen, you and your wife will enjoy free NHS health care (including giving birth) as soon as you are in the UK.

There is always a demand for Cantonese and Mandarin speaking accountants in the UK as there is a large number of Chinese restaurant businesses here.

If you work for a whiskey company, any chance of a transfer to another post with the same company in the UK?

I thought we need to stay in UK for a certain period before being able to enjoy the free NHS health care, surprise

Yes we have office in London and international transfers are quite common in our company, hopefully I could transfer to the London office later

We just acquired some lovely Scotch brands and an Irish brand
金日成 2017-5-20 08:48:31

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景 +1同感

If you want your child to have British Citizenship - make sure the child is born in the UK.

Please note that Northern Ireland will be better as the child will get Irish citizenship too.

Northern Ireland

Sounds a very good idea
never thought about it, how're the hospitals there?
only think of living in London

NHS hospitals are okay - as a British Citizen, you are entitle to free NHS health care as soon as you enter the UK. If both of you (兩公婆) are British Citizens, going to give birth in Northern Ireland will be free in NHS hospitals. Please note that British Citizens will need to meet a habitual residence test before getting any welfare benefits from the government.

The child will be a British Citizen as well as Irish citizen if he/she was born in Northern Ireland as long as one of you is a British Citizen at the time of the baby's birth. Having Irish citizenship means that the child can live and work in Europe as well.

Starting a new life in the UK is a big move. You and your wife may want to come for a visit before making the decision. What kind of jobs you have in mind? You can apply for a British passport in Hong Kong using the link below -


Thanks so much! The information is very useful!
We both have uk passport, how many years we need to live in UK before we could enjoy the benefit of giving birth in hospital free of charge?
Yes that'd be a big move definitely, we have only been to London and Edinburgh couple of times for leisure trips before, we love the cities but it may probably feel very different when long-staying there.
I'm a financial analyst in a whisky company currently and my wife is a trade marketing manager, I believe I should be able to get a job with ACCA and master degree, not too sure how is the job market at UK, so I wish some day I could internal transfer from Hong Kong office to London office, needa test my luck LOL

As a British Citizen, you and your wife will enjoy free NHS health care (including giving birth) as soon as you are in the UK.

There is always a demand for Cantonese and Mandarin speaking accountants in the UK as there is a large number of Chinese restaurant businesses here.

If you work for a whiskey company, any chance of a transfer to another post with the same company in the UK?

I thought we need to stay in UK for a certain period before being able to enjoy the free NHS health care, surprise

Yes we have office in London and international transfers are quite common in our company, hopefully I could transfer to the London office later

We just acquired some lovely Scotch brands and an Irish brand

By the way thanks so much brother for all the info
thats superb helpful
金日成 2017-5-20 08:50:07



聽聞以前新加坡人唔係好中意香港人, 依家唔知好唔好d


華裔鬼佬 2017-5-20 11:07:28
想問吓申請DV-2019 有咩要注意?


熊式朋友 2017-5-20 12:34:51 屌,IELTS 9/8.5/7/7,要考PTE
破褲尋周 2017-5-20 13:18:54
屌,IELTS 9/8.5/7/7,要考PTE

其實ielts s/w 真係唔知點先拎到全8
,好似見係local就全部最盡俾6.5/7 咁
熊式朋友 2017-5-20 13:39:24
屌,IELTS 9/8.5/7/7,要考PTE

其實ielts s/w 真係唔知點先拎到全8
,好似見係local就全部最盡俾6.5/7 咁

Fatso 2017-5-20 13:40:46
屌,IELTS 9/8.5/7/7,要考PTE

熊式朋友 2017-5-20 15:31:34
屌,IELTS 9/8.5/7/7,要考PTE


overall 8暫時都冇用

HKG3 2017-5-20 17:59:48

有BC都要plan既, 同埋英國都唔係太好景 +1同感

If you want your child to have British Citizenship - make sure the child is born in the UK.

Please note that Northern Ireland will be better as the child will get Irish citizenship too.

Northern Ireland

Sounds a very good idea
never thought about it, how're the hospitals there?
only think of living in London

NHS hospitals are okay - as a British Citizen, you are entitle to free NHS health care as soon as you enter the UK. If both of you (兩公婆) are British Citizens, going to give birth in Northern Ireland will be free in NHS hospitals. Please note that British Citizens will need to meet a habitual residence test before getting any welfare benefits from the government.

The child will be a British Citizen as well as Irish citizen if he/she was born in Northern Ireland as long as one of you is a British Citizen at the time of the baby's birth. Having Irish citizenship means that the child can live and work in Europe as well.

Starting a new life in the UK is a big move. You and your wife may want to come for a visit before making the decision. What kind of jobs you have in mind? You can apply for a British passport in Hong Kong using the link below -


Thanks so much! The information is very useful!
We both have uk passport, how many years we need to live in UK before we could enjoy the benefit of giving birth in hospital free of charge?
Yes that'd be a big move definitely, we have only been to London and Edinburgh couple of times for leisure trips before, we love the cities but it may probably feel very different when long-staying there.
I'm a financial analyst in a whisky company currently and my wife is a trade marketing manager, I believe I should be able to get a job with ACCA and master degree, not too sure how is the job market at UK, so I wish some day I could internal transfer from Hong Kong office to London office, needa test my luck LOL

As a British Citizen, you and your wife will enjoy free NHS health care (including giving birth) as soon as you are in the UK.

There is always a demand for Cantonese and Mandarin speaking accountants in the UK as there is a large number of Chinese restaurant businesses here.

If you work for a whiskey company, any chance of a transfer to another post with the same company in the UK?

I thought we need to stay in UK for a certain period before being able to enjoy the free NHS health care, surprise

Yes we have office in London and international transfers are quite common in our company, hopefully I could transfer to the London office later

We just acquired some lovely Scotch brands and an Irish brand

By the way thanks so much brother for all the info
thats superb helpful

If you and your wife is planning to go to the UK to settle, I would suggest you to have a look at the link below for more information.

HKG3 2017-5-20 18:01:20



聽聞以前新加坡人唔係好中意香港人, 依家唔知好唔好d

Singapore does not allow dual nationality. Anyone who wants to become a Singaporean citizen will need to give up his or her original nationality.
不漏洞奶奶 2017-5-21 02:41:05
諗住過去做special edu or early childhood edu
係咪可以apply 489?
489 係咪易過189/190?

189易啲,反正教蓄都要IELTS 7,7,8,8,考到已經多10分,總分60就夠。

但可唔可以用489 借親戚再屈多10 分?

189教師暫時60分都夠,因為189最快,夠分數就填expression of interest,一個月度批,之後上載所需文件、驗身、打指模,幾個月內搞掂。

關於IELTS,個人覺得speaking 8.0較難拎,listening 就好易,只要你聽多啲IELTS past paper, 聽夠十次,點都擺到。有人話澳洲考speaking 易拎高分,個人經驗:响星加坡考speaking拎7.5,但香港考拎6.5。

叔叔很想要 2017-5-21 03:57:50
諗住過去做special edu or early childhood edu
係咪可以apply 489?
489 係咪易過189/190?

189易啲,反正教蓄都要IELTS 7,7,8,8,考到已經多10分,總分60就夠。

但可唔可以用489 借親戚再屈多10 分?

189教師暫時60分都夠,因為189最快,夠分數就填expression of interest,一個月度批,之後上載所需文件、驗身、打指模,幾個月內搞掂。

關於IELTS,個人覺得speaking 8.0較難拎,listening 就好易,只要你聽多啲IELTS past paper, 聽夠十次,點都擺到。有人話澳洲考speaking 易拎高分,個人經驗:响星加坡考speaking拎7.5,但香港考拎6.5。



熊式朋友 2017-5-22 17:16:55
諗住過去做special edu or early childhood edu
係咪可以apply 489?
489 係咪易過189/190?

189易啲,反正教蓄都要IELTS 7,7,8,8,考到已經多10分,總分60就夠。

但可唔可以用489 借親戚再屈多10 分?

189教師暫時60分都夠,因為189最快,夠分數就填expression of interest,一個月度批,之後上載所需文件、驗身、打指模,幾個月內搞掂。

關於IELTS,個人覺得speaking 8.0較難拎,listening 就好易,只要你聽多啲IELTS past paper, 聽夠十次,點都擺到。有人話澳洲考speaking 易拎高分,個人經驗:响星加坡考speaking拎7.5,但香港考拎6.5。


我覺得香港British Council堆友speaking真係好手緊,聽講成千人只係得個位數字嘅考生有speaking 8
二寸三角骨 2017-5-24 00:15:33
諗住過去做special edu or early childhood edu
係咪可以apply 489?
489 係咪易過189/190?

189易啲,反正教蓄都要IELTS 7,7,8,8,考到已經多10分,總分60就夠。

但可唔可以用489 借親戚再屈多10 分?

189教師暫時60分都夠,因為189最快,夠分數就填expression of interest,一個月度批,之後上載所需文件、驗身、打指模,幾個月內搞掂。

關於IELTS,個人覺得speaking 8.0較難拎,listening 就好易,只要你聽多啲IELTS past paper, 聽夠十次,點都擺到。有人話澳洲考speaking 易拎高分,個人經驗:响星加坡考speaking拎7.5,但香港考拎6.5。


我覺得香港British Council堆友speaking真係好手緊,聽講成千人只係得個位數字嘅考生有speaking 8

佛撚終結者 2017-5-24 00:30:59


佛撚終結者 2017-5-24 00:34:01
廿幾歲仔移民外國 人生就咁玩完
咁就更加唔好移啦 係自己地方都生存唔到 去到外國包你收皮
