字母(腦殘) 2020-12-29 17:00:53 咁依家佢一年可以整到幾多架車?有冇接到咩大公司既訂單


😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-29 17:01:46 有限期,
同埋GOEV好似要Keep 住股價過18蚊先得
30日入面, 有20日要過18蚊

If the closing share price of HCAC Class A Common Stock equals or exceeds $18.00 per share for any 20 trading days within any consecutive 30-trading day period that occurs after the Closing Date and on or prior to the two (2) year anniversary of the Closing Date (the first occurrence of the foregoing is referred to herein as the “$18 Share Price Milestone”), then HCAC shall issue to each holder of Company Securities as of immediately prior to the Effective Time, a number of shares of HCAC Class A Common Stock equal to (A) the Pro Rata Share in respect of such holder of Company Securities set forth on the Merger Payment Schedule multiplied by (B) 5,000,000 (such number of shares being referred to as the “$18 Earnout Shares”).
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-29 17:15:00 Btw, 我唔係好識SPAC Warrant
字母(腦殘) 2020-12-29 17:29:41 我睇完都唔係好明個限期係幾時
羊咩1234bb 2020-12-29 21:11:27 呢幾日跌到仆街 之前11蚊入15-16放咗19.5再入 就快跌到15蚊
我係英國人呀屌 2020-12-30 16:38:26 每日10% nmsl
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 16:56:54 同2021年 未有車出,
只係同Hyhundai + Kia 設計個底盤
2022 年先會有10,000架
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 16:58:59 如果跌到NAV 左右, 我會入多300股
前面轉彎有落 2020-12-30 17:45:25 Spac 拎黎炒 唔好比感情


😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 18:00:47

Fisker 只係買人地個底盤
佢地只係做Exterior/Interior/UI 同Software design
其實同NKLA 冇分別
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 18:03:18 我另外仲有2隻SPAC,
Paysafe (BFT), United Wholesale Mortgage(GHIV)
前面轉彎有落 2020-12-30 18:05:18 兩者都有
Bft 放咗
GHIV hold 緊
迷惑浪人 2020-12-30 18:10:22 巴打仲有冇RKT?
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 18:14:44 GHIV 我10.8買

Merge 完用黎食息

CANOO 我覺得係加州會有好多人買
我住LA, 呢面冇人用Taxi,
多數用Uber 出入
如果係Subscription Model 既話, 只要唔過500美金一個月
應該所有Uber/Lyft 車手都會買Canoo 果架Mini Van
因為依家NYC 已經有Model 3 Tax行緊
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 18:16:26
150股RKT@22 同 100股WMT@148
前面轉彎有落 2020-12-30 18:17:16 Buy 你睇法 入goev 少少支持
😎柏克萊工程佬 2020-12-30 18:20:15 出年Q1先買啦, 依家未見到底
字母(腦殘) 2020-12-30 22:41:40 咁依家會炒定先架咩?
字母(腦殘) 2020-12-30 22:43:15 點解會買Canoo 果架Mini Van?因為最平?


ScaryPockets 2020-12-30 23:05:05 今日終於唔係跌
我係英國人呀屌 2021-1-5 01:12:02
成全寶 2021-1-5 01:29:37 隻嘢應該好快10蚊