[恐懼撚收皮]病毒變種 只會增加傳播 降低致命或其他毒性 係常識黎
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:08:36 其實你有冇認真睇過篇文同樓主講咩


富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:09:49 講緊隻病毒可以寄宿睇人體幾耐
如果好快死 致命率高同快 可以傳染到幾多人?
just simple logic
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:10:30
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:11:20 傳染性高左,死亡率高左,無快死到,一樣夠時間俾病毒傳染
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:12:55 其實有冇人覺得佢好1999
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:13:39 好簡單 這病毒死亡率低 定 這病毒死亡率高 傳染性很高啲?
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:13:59 推番呢度先,廢事俾人spin 走
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:14:14 你答我
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:17:08 都要睇埋中左幾耐先死,中左一日即死咪傳播得少


瑞幸鮮乳 2021-1-27 12:17:31 你唔俾佢專登頭30日無咩病徵等你周圍開party唔帶口罩
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:18:40 推番上黎


富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:20:17 屌咪同我上面講一樣囉
有數計㗎 on9
好撚正常呀多咗人感染 多咗人死
100個人死兩個人 依家200個人死四個人 你係咪考緊我數學
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:20:23 懷疑佢自己本身都思路混亂
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:23:30 係你唔肯相信事實

The central estimate is that B.1.1.7 carries a 30 to 40 per cent higher chance of dying. The impact of this relative risk on an individual will depend critically on his or her absolute risk — determined above all by age and then by underlying health and other factors. The evidence considered by Nervtag suggests that the variant increases case fatality rates consistently across all age groups.

It is worth remembering that fatality rates are already considerably lower than they were in the first wave of the pandemic in the spring, because health workers have learned how best to treat Covid-19 patients, including when to give dexamethasone steroid to those who are severely ill. Even if the new variant raises risk of death by 35 per cent, it would still be lower than for someone with the original form of the virus back in March
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:25:21 唔講以為香港個個人染左就會死
呢隻野死亡率喺香港對比其他病毒仲要係主要針對老人家 算係低到仆街 咁咪勁囉 仲可以俾你活蹦亂跳
你睇吓其他病毒 感染咗已經死死下 伊波拉嗰啲 邊有咁多時間感染更多人(衛生問題除外)
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:26:00 建議仲支持樓主啲人寫篇論文反駁啲科學家,我支持題名佢拎諾貝爾獎
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:29:01 見唔見到有underlying other factors
你要咁樣對比不如對比菲律賓 感染武漢肺炎嘅情況
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:29:47 點解死都唔肯睇大數據呢?

英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:30:30 無人話武漢肺炎好似伊波拉咁



The central estimate is that B.1.1.7 carries a 30 to 40 per cent higher chance of dying. The impact of this relative risk on an individual will depend critically on his or her absolute risk — determined above all by age and then by underlying health and other factors. The evidence considered by Nervtag suggests that the variant increases case fatality rates consistently across all age groups.

It is worth remembering that fatality rates are already considerably lower than they were in the first wave of the pandemic in the spring, because health workers have learned how best to treat Covid-19 patients, including when to give dexamethasone steroid to those who are severely ill. Even if the new variant raises risk of death by 35 per cent, it would still be lower than for someone with the original form of the virus back in March
瑞幸鮮乳 2021-1-27 12:31:56 英國人口幾多,美國人口幾多啊

英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:33:22 推番呢個



瑞幸鮮乳 2021-1-27 12:33:55 香港都冇變種
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:36:27 病毒勁唔勁唔係睇大數據
每個地方嘅死亡率唔一樣 好明顯係基於好多外在環境因素
富江姊妹 2021-1-27 12:37:02 笑撚咗 冇人知㗎戇鳩
隨時隨地下1秒 都可以
英梓傑是小偷 2021-1-27 12:37:37 咪同佢嘈,佢跟本係度呃辯緊。overall 死亡率同specifical 某個人/國家嘅死亡率同你混埋一齊去講

