AirPods Pro 討論區 (16) 降噪已死,有事燒紙
美麗傳承(已退役) 2021-8-1 08:16:00 未買就唔好買啦


張五三 2021-8-3 14:29:18 有冇ching 用緊airpod max

Apple Music 佢個best setting 係咪高音質就已經頂盡
Lite*三世 2021-8-4 04:18:08 有無巴打用過comply / azla 覺得邊隻好D?
騎師王 2021-8-4 09:40:09 azla 沒有之一
鋼之鍊丹術師 2021-8-4 11:35:49 Back to school discount 值唔值得加$700轉airpods pro
理性皇 2021-8-4 12:41:10 同問
美麗傳承(已退役) 2021-8-4 19:46:11 講到口臭
Tweety 2021-8-4 23:10:03 此回覆已被刪除
屎忽鬼 2021-8-5 08:36:00 點解用左兩年都有得換新?apple care?
五月天阿信 2021-8-5 13:06:14
碌鳩想你含 2021-8-5 13:22:33 剛剛入手,想問各位下巴打點解聽緊歌一睇fb就停左?有無得set?


屎忽鬼 2021-8-5 13:35:19 想問佢會即時換返比你,定係要等?
耶穌做嘢唔使你教 2021-8-5 13:51:12 同問,我宜家係kill app再開fb就無事,唔知係咪之前睇過片影響到
五月天阿信 2021-8-5 14:15:46 即時
放棄師 2021-8-7 21:56:15 我覺得免費送嘅有線apple耳機音質仲好過airpod pro

作遲人 2021-8-8 00:36:11 According to Apple's developer website, the second ‌AirPods Pro‌ firmware update adds support for Conversation Boost, a feature that was missing from the first beta.

Conversation Boost is an iOS 15 feature that uses the beamforming microphones in the ‌AirPods Pro‌ to boost the volume level of conversations, which is ideal for those with mild to moderate hearing challenges.

The initial ‌AirPods Pro‌ firmware beta added support for FaceTime Spatial Audio and Ambient Noise Reduction, two other ‌AirPods Pro‌ features that are coming in the ‌iOS 15‌ update.

Only registered developers are able to install the ‌AirPods Pro‌ firmware, and the installation process is rather complicated and requires Xcode. We have a walkthrough on installing the profile for the beta, but as with all over-the-air firmware updates, it takes some time for new software to be seeded to users.
ミレイの彼氏 2021-8-8 17:44:39 此回覆已被刪除
屎忽鬼 2021-8-9 19:51:08 咁低能?點解會咁
我就是個好人 2021-8-9 19:53:15 點解講電話收音咁差你地都會用
騎師王 2021-8-9 22:18:17 毒撚講電話細聲先會收得唔好
真波板糖人 2021-8-10 08:17:06 有冇人用殼 個上蓋成日用一排就跌出黎


我有鏟車牌 2021-8-10 09:00:24 貓左幾日就無再用殼,由佢花,d 耳機咁污糟,都唔會賣返出去
我有鏟車牌 2021-8-10 09:00:46 用左幾日
八支八支半 2021-8-10 10:01:08 升左BETA 個降噪都係咁撚廢

美麗傳承(已退役) 2021-8-12 08:08:19 等多D人轉會佢就會改