哈囉lulu 2021-1-15 12:51:44 想知點解今年defer個啲唔洗交學費



山吹綠子 2021-1-15 12:56:34
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 15:38:13 佢話因為今年defer嗰啲可能係俾肺炎同運搞到佢地要defer, 所以唔使俾

However, we understand that the social unrest and COVID-19 in the last academic year might have adversely affected your study and delayed your completion of the graduation requirements by June 2020. As a result, you now need to extend your study period to 2020/21.

I am pleased to inform you that the University, after due consideration of the special conditions in 2019/20, has decided to make a one-off special tuition arrangement for students who were scheduled to graduate in 2019/20 but had to extend their study to 2020/21. For these students who have already paid full-time tuition fees for the whole normal study period of their study programme, the fees they have already paid will also cover their study in the academic year of 2020/21. In other words, you do not need to pay tuition this year with this special arrangement.
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 15:47:20 咩japanese culture, society嗰科都幾好 唔使識日文
食屎都好過食你 2021-1-15 15:49:02
食屎都好過食你 2021-1-15 15:50:17
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 15:54:03
食屎都好過食你 2021-1-15 15:55:21
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 15:55:29 一係求其搵啲靚grade gd course讀下
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 15:58:00 唔大
2 quiz(mc), grp present, mini survey+paper 好似2000字到
不過本身對日本文化有興趣會好啲 present可能都要講下日劇嗰啲
食屎都好過食你 2021-1-15 16:01:36 Thanks ching


上返馬蹄路 2021-1-15 16:19:42 推呢科 上堂開心又細workload
單丸傷乘 2021-1-15 17:40:47 PSYC2006 伏唔伏?
德國紐倫堡大肉腸 2021-1-15 18:17:27 send email 問sa defer 佢咁答
Whether a student would be granted an additional year depends on the recommendation of the major department as well as the decision of a number of University level committees and the Senate. If you cannot fulfill the graduation requirements within the study period, it is up to the Senate to see whether approval would be granted for extension on study or other recommendations based on the justification made by the departments on these final year students who cannot be graduated. Students cannot apply for deferral of study.

咁講係咪即係唔洗搞d咩 到左完sem之後先決定叫你defer定讀暑sem?
德國紐倫堡大肉腸 2021-1-15 18:25:56 BTW 有無人讀過GFVM1035 易唔易靚grade?
女王的哥基 2021-1-15 18:55:14 係唔使搞架 你未讀夠畢業要求佢就會自動幫你defer
單丸傷乘 2021-1-15 23:09:46 想問 tif sir year幾讀咩科?
不入婦穴不得婦子 2021-1-16 14:44:04 啱啱填左form想避開instructor approval ,想問下有冇人知大唔大機會成功架
不入婦穴不得婦子 2021-1-16 14:45:18 順便問一問,有冇人reg左life is a game GFQR1035,而又係想星期三既section轉去星期五架?我有星期五section想轉去星期三
別人貪婪我恐懼 2021-1-17 18:03:07 此回覆已被刪除
暮登天子堂 2021-1-17 19:51:38


女王的哥基 2021-1-17 22:26:28 好似唔會
最後一次與你共舞 2021-1-18 01:33:18
德國紐倫堡大肉腸 2021-1-18 22:16:19 有無人讀過 GTSC 2027 如果文科仔好耐無掂過數學仲啱唔啱讀?
老婆(做多左) 2021-1-19 00:50:56 上網見過呢張圖 唔知係咪真