柴可夫斯雞 2021-1-25 12:39:04 想問retake係點,查post見到有人話就算retake咗,個grade係新加舊除二


ilovegrapebread 2021-1-25 23:04:43 除條毛咩
寂寞一個人 2021-1-25 23:14:27 此回覆已被刪除
喬納森·喬斯達 2021-1-26 02:43:44 幫你老母執骨啦傻閪讀hkcc都敢做槍手
JK冇JJ 2021-1-26 05:28:20 條友個個po都入晒淨係唔敢入三大
雞汁牛筋 2021-1-26 14:15:14 我地浸中討論區最出名就係無人
連登帳畀人知道咗 2021-1-27 01:49:45 253講咩 睇唔到
汪明荃不廢功夫 2021-1-27 01:53:12 我都block 9咗 唔知邊個嚟
JK冇JJ 2021-1-27 02:11:55 槍手R生意 俾人bam咗
逃生出口 2021-1-27 13:17:04 6.5 Students may only repeat courses with grade F to retrieve the failure. Students, however, may be required by the Programme to repeat courses with less than satisfactory grades to fulfil specific course or programme requirements.

6.6 For a course taken for more than once, only the highest grade* will be included in the calculation of cGPA with effect from the semester in which the highest grade is attained. The number of units gained for the repeated course is counted once only.

* If the grades attained at different attempts are the same, it is the latest grade that is included in the cGPA calculation.
M記新人王 2021-1-27 16:35:21 想問下暑sem大概幾時add drop?收到email話遲d會再send email黎講


喬納森·喬斯達 2021-1-27 22:56:39 完撚咗啦喎
M記新人王 2021-1-28 12:41:29 幾時開始幾時完 點解冇email講既
喬納森·喬斯達 2021-1-28 13:03:47 上個禮拜岀埋暑sem ttb
17歲(冇女) 2021-1-28 13:34:49 此回覆已被刪除
珍珠奶茶少甜走冰 2021-1-29 09:59:29 academic calendar應該有寫
灰暗的水瓶仔 2021-2-1 10:34:06 浸大嘅同學,投票啦!好需要你嘅一票去選出編委莊同埋改左會章嘅漏洞

挪威的樹皮 2021-2-1 12:01:17
星塵被我照耀 2021-2-1 12:33:31 想知修改會章既proposal可以係邊度搵到
切忌太自信 2021-2-1 13:50:28 https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eECRoOBOXGoKSDI

FYP 問卷

祝揸GME嘅ching 發大達
蕊扒 2021-2-1 14:01:24 咁口甜舌滑



四條女亂咁隊 2021-2-1 14:10:01 冇j圖 不了
切忌太自信 2021-2-1 14:20:03
四條女亂咁隊 2021-2-1 14:23:35 咁低質
灰暗的水瓶仔 2021-2-1 14:27:20 之前評議會有send過mass email

要你自己去bu email search下啦,唔係好耐之前