[我這樣討厭豬完美如此] 車路士球迷討論區
痾篤尿唔能2️⃣ 2020-12-4 02:13:15 Sources now expect #mufc to press ahead with the search for a new European partner club. An agreement could allow U18 to stay with such a sister side until of age to transfer #mulive [@TheAthleticUK]



中鋒大衛雷斯 2020-12-4 02:21:36 獌呢個係用嚟應對嚟緊Brexit唔可以再簽U-18海外球員嘅限制
痾篤尿唔能2️⃣ 2020-12-4 02:23:25 咁車有冇打算搵
我唔係Ben 2020-12-4 02:24:58 睇左陣熱刺都幾廢下
柔道龍虎榜 2020-12-4 02:47:40 係唔係下下年1月開始唔俾簽海外u18
柔道龍虎榜 2020-12-4 02:49:13 France manager Didier Deschamps congratulated Giroud on his four goals and said: "He had the immense pleasure of being able to start a match, it does not happen to him often."

"Olivier is someone with a big character. He is forced to fight vs everyone, to excess at times." #CFC
柔道龍虎榜 2020-12-4 02:49:39 Hudson-Odoi had a defensively productive display vs Sevilla
83.3% of 6 duels won
2 tackles, 3 interceptions, 8 possession regained
Highest in each category barring tackles there. #CFC #UCL 
RomanAbramovich 2020-12-4 03:02:02 其實好彩有西女人把守最後一關
柔道龍虎榜 2020-12-4 03:08:25 Lask>車
印度黑人九爺 2020-12-4 03:16:30 #OLI 2021
MasonMount(世一) 2020-12-4 03:44:28 熱狗踢歐霸都踢得咁辛苦


MasonMount(世一) 2020-12-4 03:47:04 仲要比人絕和
Kai.Havertz 2020-12-4 03:47:38 李城豬埋
通輯大富豪 2020-12-4 03:49:31 此回覆已被刪除
Baez_喂呢句好笑 2020-12-4 03:50:12 熱狗孫狗踢左82分鐘先換走
速成輸入法 2020-12-4 03:51:02 其實應該計佢愛華頓名宿
柔道龍虎榜 2020-12-4 03:56:04
MasonMount(世一) 2020-12-4 04:01:27 歐霸有無咁難踢啊
Baez_喂呢句好笑 2020-12-4 04:22:07 熱刺排名低過比甲
火撚鳥 2020-12-4 04:43:13 但上季撚狗有前四
火撚鳥 2020-12-4 04:43:38 我地就嚟有80m Kai比人笑


祖高爾讓我下沉 2020-12-4 05:06:01 搵唔返果陣M腳圖
海灘上的郵票 2020-12-4 08:08:20 見到柏豪標價一億 我真係笑而不語 相信只要我地女皇想要 五千萬就輕鬆解決
Hanako 2020-12-4 08:09:26 Giroud confirms change in stance over his #CFC future:
“I had a conversation with Deschamps. He said if situation stayed like that, I will have to take a decision in January. I am pretty sure I can get more game time & stay. That is what I want. I want to win trophies with CFC.
熔斷主任(反林狗) 2020-12-4 08:11:19
傻豬 又比林狗呃多次