[馬狗躝] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗暨黑警死全家吹水區[1099]
麥湯明你 2020-12-4 15:26:37 屌馬係下下以為佢沉會俾人賣走時


最愛的是得不到 2020-12-4 15:26:39 此回覆已被刪除
多得這雨勢 2020-12-4 15:30:36 年年勁2,3個月, 但其餘時間西, 有鬼用
Ga大勢 2020-12-4 15:38:03 呢幾件都好啦

繼續迷西大將軍 2020-12-4 15:42:12 我覺得要隻唔穩定,無跑動嘅翼真係無乜意思

_2014 2020-12-4 15:46:23 但之後都係印咸爺
爵士連加特 2020-12-4 15:47:11 唔穩定同跑動少係事實,不過唔覺得安好過佢
繼續迷西大將軍 2020-12-4 15:55:37 唔用金章安都可以用你啦
Luke梳 2020-12-4 15:57:26 此回覆已被刪除
繼續迷西大將軍 2020-12-4 16:04:58 伊巴,卡雲尼
熊餅 2020-12-4 16:08:08 企開啲啦馬迪

利申: 用錢買金章安OK, 拎馬換就不了


繼續迷西大將軍 2020-12-4 16:10:21 依家馬仲有無人肯接貨
麥湯明你 2020-12-4 16:11:36 繼續用佢曼唔知要衰多幾多年
麥湯明你 2020-12-4 16:12:23 之後又free走
熊餅 2020-12-4 16:13:12 無架喇, 望佢開竅carry下半季囉
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2020-12-4 16:18:07 踢下去 便確定馬迪爾懶過閪 廢到癲
口喝鮮血論仁愛 2020-12-4 16:28:57 希望大家binc bin到馬下埸即刻入波
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2020-12-4 16:33:51 Ed Woodward:

“We will continue to support Ole with a planned, long-term approach to recruitment, focused on the summer windows.”

“We recognise there’s more hard work ahead to achieve the consistency needed to win trophies.“

“ We see positive signs on the pitch and the training ground that reinforce our belief in the progress being made by Ole, his coaching team and the players.”

“Additions we made during the summer taking our total net spending to over €200m (£180m) since summer 2019 - more than any other major European club over that period.”

“I told this forum last April that we remain committed to building the team, while being disciplined in our spending during the pandemic. I believe we have delivered on our promises, with the additions we made during the summer."
橙頭神經刀 2020-12-4 16:35:55 小城大事?
Ga大勢 2020-12-4 16:39:08

以利沙 2020-12-4 16:41:06 那裏只得我共你


口喝鮮血論仁愛 2020-12-4 16:41:37 Sancho 呢咁屌你老味
麥湯明你 2020-12-4 16:42:04 哪裡找到馬迪爾
口喝鮮血論仁愛 2020-12-4 16:46:37 Next topic
Luke梳 2020-12-4 17:08:14 此回覆已被刪除