星夜破曉 2021-1-18 19:01:34


星夜破曉 2021-1-19 07:22:59 有冇軍事專家知道如果攞d大石或者其他野封住tunnels 的出口,可唔可以困死tunnels 入面的越共士兵?
HKAD 2021-1-19 07:28:15 唔係軍事專家
星夜破曉 2021-1-19 07:48:08 https://medium.com/@willrussell_46069/life-of-a-tunnel-rat-in-vietnam-ab1fe5394232

Background to the Tunnels

During the First Indochina war against French colonial forces, the Viet Minh constructed an extensive system of underground tunnels, which were later expanded by the Viet Cong.

There were two types of tunnel —

Expedient tunnels — Simple in construction. Size ranged from twenty to several hundred feet long. Consisting of ambush, safe hide, river bank or escape tunnels. Carefully camouflaged entrances to facilitate evasion and escape.

Complex tunnels — Tunnel may be a misleading word. They were more underground complexes which housed hospitals, sleeping quarters, training areas and arms depots. Sophisticated ventilation systems allowed soldiers to stay underground for sustained periods of time.

Cu Chi Tunnel Complex

An example is the massive tunnel complex in the district of Cu Chi, just 20 miles north of Saigon. Cu Chi was one of the most bombed and devastated areas in the war, indeed in any war. Yet the tunnels persevered. They housed thousands of troops.

The access holes were breathtakingly small — some measuring 2 feet wide by 3 feet deep — led to tunnels connected by hidden trap doors that zigzagged up, sideways and down. These tunnels led to a labyrinth of caverns and caves. That spread across up to four levels for two hundred miles, stretching all the way to the Cambodian border.

There was air and sanitation — but they were very basic. You could exist but it was just existing. The mazes were usually less than six feet high. You lived there. You slept there. The occupants took all they required into them. They lived like that for years. Weapons were built down there at primitive forges. They hid the bodies of their troops in them to make their casualty count lower to the enemy. Babies were born in the tunnels. Doctors worked on the wounded using the most basic surgical tools and honey as antiseptic. Anesthetics were rare.
星夜破曉 2021-1-19 08:12:50 The Soldier in this photo is SGT Ronald A. Payne (Atlanta, GA), Squad Leader, Co A, 1st BN, 5th Mech Inf, 25th Inf Div, checks a tunnel entrance before entering it to search for Viet Cong and their equipment, during Operation “Cedar Falls” in th HoBo woods, 25 miles North of Saigon. Photo taken 24 January 1967

Non Gratus Anus Rodentum — Not worth a rat’s arse.
星夜破曉 2021-1-19 08:31:26 少爺兵

星夜破曉 2021-1-19 08:34:23 https://youtu.be/VW51xEKY-Kg
星夜破曉 2021-1-21 16:21:07 https://youtu.be/AdZ9kGwqkTM
星夜破曉 2021-1-21 16:21:25 https://youtu.be/ZRSU0fRJt0s
星夜破曉 2021-1-23 00:01:34 用d機器鑽落去得唔得,或者用鏟掘落去
星夜破曉 2021-1-24 16:37:50 https://youtu.be/zsgX7RojyaY


星夜破曉 2021-2-3 23:12:15 https://youtu.be/HHiThRa8mb0
7sheep 2021-2-3 23:20:16 落得去既都係真勇士
星夜破曉 2021-2-15 01:08:00 https://youtu.be/Kwq2Hxte5tQ



星夜破曉 2021-2-15 01:15:40 https://youtu.be/rbNnvPBokNs
星夜破曉 2021-2-15 01:19:37 https://youtu.be/MHi9mKq0slA
世紀閪病強迫症 2021-2-15 12:24:19 連登班戇尻仔真係係唔撚係都左膠,自己仲要乜撚都唔識
世紀閪病強迫症 2021-2-15 12:32:41 連登真係多你呢種戇尻仔
媽媽咪呀 2021-2-15 12:36:10 此回覆已被刪除
星夜破曉 2021-2-16 22:11:55
星夜破曉 2021-2-17 03:14:06 https://youtu.be/xDGuyGPJ_JE



星夜破曉 2021-2-17 03:22:52 https://youtu.be/bf_xZVhaAKs
不談風月 2021-2-17 13:47:13 此回覆已被刪除
星夜破曉 2021-2-24 21:43:14 https://youtu.be/GxWiRU1wrPo
習帝造天地 2021-2-24 22:12:22 其實呢點到幾十年後今日都無變
