LIHKG 賽車遊戲軚盤/硬件討論(3)
評頭品足 2021-6-3 20:56:23 T80連force feedback 都無 得條橡筋 完全是垃圾

利申:當年中過伏 玩咗半年頂唔順換咗driving force gt
之後black Friday 換咗 g29


冇圖冇真相 2021-6-3 21:40:10 Prime day G923唔知會唔會得特價
卡路士積奇 2021-6-3 23:11:57
CSL DD with standard power supply (5 Nm): 349.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 349.95 USD (excl. VAT), 599.95 AUD, 47,900 JPY.

CSL DD with Boost Kit 180 (8 Nm): 479.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 479.95 USD (excl. VAT), 829.90 AUD, 65,500 JPY.

Boost Kit 180 purchased as a separate upgrade: 149.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 149.95 USD (excl. VAT), 259.90 AUD, 20,000 JPY.

CSL DD Table Clamp: 29.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 29.95 USD (excl. VAT), 49.95 AUD, 4,490 JPY.

We decided that the most environmentally friendly approach is to ship all CSL DDs with just your selected power supply in the box. So if you select the bundle with the Boost Kit 180, your CSL DD package will only include the larger power supply.

Additional year warranty for CSL DD (with either power supply): 49.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 49.95 USD (excl. VAT), 79.90 AUD, 6,700 JPY.

CSL Pedals (two pedal set): 79.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 79.95 USD (excl. VAT), 129.90 AUD, 10,500 JPY.

CSL Pedals Clutch Kit (adds a third pedal): 39.95 EUR (incl. VAT), 39.95 USD (excl. VAT), 64.90 AUD, 5,490 JPY.

CSL Pedals Load Cell Kit and CSL Tuning Kit These accessories are not available yet. We will announce pricing and availability later this year. The CSL Pedals with Load Cell Kit will be below 200

有得第一輪買,但係我個csl elite先玩左一年

乾免牛飯 2021-6-3 23:40:31 我black friday入左CSL elite諗住再觀望下,CEO係條片入邊有講會出PS compatible 版非podium DD (冇講係CSL定Clubsport)

反而我係1516緊要唔要入CSL elite pedal個LC kit,驚佢會discontinue/新版CSL唔對應
卡路士積奇 2021-6-3 23:46:50 佢應該係話csl dd ps5版會遲d出,但會貴d(因為要SONY授權)
原來你用舊csl pedal 無load cell我建議可以等新版出左睇下佢會唔會減舊版既價
新版CSL pedal 同舊版完全唔同結構
唔會用到舊CSL pedal用到新既CSL load cell
乾免牛飯 2021-6-4 10:29:03 我都係驚佢連減價都冇去哂現貨就直接停產停賣,煩緊應該早少少買埋個LC定觀望下新csl pedal連新LC會係咩價位
卡路士積奇 2021-6-4 12:53:42 依家上佢個網乜鬼軚盤都無賣
乾免牛飯 2021-6-4 15:40:53 到時真係冇左嬲嬲地直接上v3算
卡路士積奇 2021-6-4 17:24:43
csl dd有片睇了
Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-4 23:08:12 fanatec唔送香港?
註冊個時:The selected country is not available for shipping. Please select another shipping address
卡路士積奇 2021-6-4 23:28:31 yes 我用集運寄去美國地址再運過黎既


Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-4 23:36:58 有D麻煩
卡路士積奇 2021-6-5 00:05:41 係,記得搵間剩計重量既集運,我用buyandship
Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-5 00:10:09 仲1516緊,依家用緊g27,唔知升級有冇大分別。
卡路士積奇 2021-6-5 00:11:07 你用G27轉CSL DD個分別實大到仆街
Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-5 00:20:15 等佢出DD先
卡路士積奇 2021-6-5 00:49:55 岩岩就send左個email同我講可以preorder

你話係咪係 2021-6-5 01:52:59 @ua2334 pm plz
Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-5 12:13:35 軚想買啲有mon嘅
Authoritah 2021-6-5 16:30:10 有幾可睇個軑mon
屌埋我嗰份 2021-6-5 16:45:09 認真 除咗大直路基本上都唔會望


Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-5 22:39:11 bug咗? USA都話唔送。。。。。。
Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-5 22:42:00 自膠,要轉region
杜蘭朵 2021-6-6 15:21:27 F1 2021 sold out埋

Vivi又名ViviTam 2021-6-6 19:45:02 當晚一出,第二朝已經sold out