LIHKG 賽車遊戲軚盤/硬件討論(3)
通坑渠 2020-12-7 01:11:58 Black friday落左坑買左csl elite wheel base bundle 同 load cell pedal

本身諗住買playseat challenge, 但最近又新出左張 Racing GT lite 有埋shifter mount 好似幾正,唔知點揀好


未完成的事 2020-12-7 01:56:30 Damper kit其實有咩用?
未完成的事 2020-12-7 02:02:07 如果會玩棍嘅就racing gt lite 好啲啦?
通坑渠 2020-12-7 02:47:33 缺點係大舊同埋無咁方便摺埋
UhBXxZ 2020-12-7 03:06:09 有冇興趣要2手playseat challenge

柳生十兵衛 2020-12-7 06:22:00 用usb hub就完全唔會有surge current, 雖然用拖把都唔覺有咩問題
真的好想你 2020-12-7 08:05:57
真的好想你 2020-12-7 08:07:47 playseat challenge無得輸

gt lite 睇落都幾難接
利伸:f-gt lite用家
綿羊工程師 2020-12-7 14:37:31
有舊4k幾嘅野到左倉 等埋另一舊應該可以過聖誕
中間黃金腳 2020-12-7 14:57:50 新手一問
想知如果買T300RS係咪得TH8A揀?想要6速棍 試過佢個7速棍好奇怪


方子靖 2020-12-7 18:42:51 邊到有得試?or問朋友?Thanks
Authoritah 2020-12-7 19:03:19

大把mod 改
或者搵雪條棍block 左最右上角果格咪得
中間黃金腳 2020-12-7 19:30:00 係咪裝上去之後改game d binding? 唔係好識
中間黃金腳 2020-12-7 19:31:06 朋友買左 我玩佢嘅

不過遲左 錯過左black friday 同 cyber monday個折
Authoritah 2020-12-7 19:50:49 唔覺要改

個layout 都冇變 剩係無左個7波姐
中間黃金腳 2020-12-7 19:51:50 屌 真係好煩 個次玩玩左好耐先叫慣d cls 點解thrustmaster咁on9
一個天才😏 2020-12-7 22:58:07 Thank you for reaching out Fanatec customer support.

We're sorry to hear you haven't received your goods yet. At the moment, FedEx capacity is limited and while your order is ready to go on our end, we are currently unable to increase the volume of products picked up by our shipping partners on a given day. We are sorry if this has inconvenienced you and are working on solutions to expedite shipments.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

真的好想你 2020-12-7 23:08:10 你幾時買
梳b 2020-12-8 00:12:20
98傳教士 2020-12-8 00:24:02 加速加速


梳b 2020-12-8 01:08:01 你地買現貨嘅都要農曆年
我買pre-order 嘅咪
一個天才😏 2020-12-8 12:32:35 29號朝早吧
98傳教士 2020-12-8 13:05:19 我29號凌晨
梳b 2020-12-8 13:09:24 我都係