姓范名統 2020-11-17 04:33:35 此回覆已被刪除


CNTower 2020-11-17 04:35:47 My daughter took French till grade 12 and got an award on French.
I have never hear her speaking French even when we drove to Quebec City...
She spoke Japanese though when we were in Japanese Town (LA)
石田三成妻子 2020-11-17 04:58:50 你d貓貓好cute
CNTower 2020-11-17 05:00:11 One of them passed away on July 16
石田三成妻子 2020-11-17 05:00:41 Which one?
CNTower 2020-11-17 05:04:39 Flying dragon - only 8 years old.
My 20 year old is still kicking around

石田三成妻子 2020-11-17 05:13:13 原來係呢隻
CNTower 2020-11-17 05:19:07 石田三成妻子
炸豬扒烏冬 2020-11-17 05:19:46 up to you but,
11111111D 2020-11-17 05:49:09 英文好好咩,做waiter

YUUuuuuuuuu 2020-11-17 08:57:29 我都有個LLB 嘅


StrongHold掌門人 2020-11-17 09:08:50 如果有一年你住夠183日就係tax resident
CNTower 2020-11-17 09:20:32 go through NCA then
CNTower 2020-11-17 09:25:30 https://www.taxback.com/blog/living-in-canada-determining-your-residency-status

Living in Canada: Determining your residency status
#TaxTipsCanada #TravelTipsCanada
Your residency status is hugely important when it comes to being taxed in Canada.

So, if you’re not sure whether you fall into the category of resident or non-resident, here are some tips to help you figure that out!

An individual’s residency status is determined on a case by case basis, but some of the main factors that determine your status are:

Your residential ties in Canada
The purpose of your stay
Your ties abroad
The average Canadian tax refund is $998

Non-Resident Vs Resident

You are generally a non-resident for tax purposes if:
You normally, customarily, or routinely reside in another country and are not considered a resident of Canada; or do not have significant residential ties in Canada; and you lived outside Canada throughout the tax year; or you stayed in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year.

You are typically a resident in Canada for tax purposes if:
Canada is the place where you, in the settled routine of your life, regularly, normally or customarily live.

Ties taken into consideration:
A spouse or common law partner
House or apartment (own or renting)

Secondary ties:
Personal property such as furniture or a vehicle
Social ties (memberships of recreational, religious or professional organisations in Canada)
Economic ties-bank account, credit cards, investments
Canadian health insurance (BC Health, Alberta Health, etc.)
Canadian driver’s license or passport
You’re permanently employed in Canada
You plan to stay in Canada past your working holiday visa and are applying for permanent residency
Canada is the place where you customarily live
You spent more than 183 days in Canada*

* Many people think this is the most important factor to consider, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Make sure that the majority of the other factors apply to you too.

Filing your tax return
If you haven’t filed a tax return in Canada before, you’re on a 1 or 2 year Working Holiday Visa, and you plan on staying for the duration and then leaving Canada, you should file as a NON-RESIDENT for tax purposes.

File your Canadian Tax Return easily online

What if you’re on a Working Holiday Visa?
If any of the residential ties mentioned above are unfamiliar and you’re on a working holiday visa, you should file tax return as a non-resident.

You can also contact the Canada Revenue Agency to confirm your status, or email info@taxback.com and we can let you know! We can also prepare and file your Canadian tax return for you!
滙豐乳同露 2020-11-17 10:20:17
ApolloXIII 2020-11-17 10:31:35 So is 45k a year a good amount ? Can you live comfortably? What kind of job have this level of salary?
鳩頭望明穴 2020-11-17 10:40:37 去到外國都仲要屌支那雞
睇唔透 2020-11-17 10:46:30 absolutely not...you would need a 6-fig job to live comfortably.
美國總統(賣大豆) 2020-11-17 10:54:16 英文唔好去大灣區啦
威豪哥 2020-11-17 10:59:44 咩都識d ,但主力想做animation 同 tracking
ApolloXIII 2020-11-17 11:05:11 6-fig job after tax or pre-tax?

What kind of job pay 6-fig?


Charcoalll 2020-11-17 11:09:33 夠嫁啦
我覺得加拿大啲 technique 同 sense落後好多
11111111D 2020-11-17 11:17:29 我驚你無資格做waiter咋。

KK52341 2020-11-17 11:18:38
美國總統(賣大豆) 2020-11-17 11:21:56 笑左
利申 係外國由High school 讀到Master