LIHKG 推到完場之美國大選選情集中討論區13
易靈港人話 2020-11-6 15:39:50 其實有時唸下,Trump唔當選好啲,





迪亞布羅 2020-11-6 15:40:28 實在太過理想
我不是洪卓立 2020-11-6 15:40:32 Ga而家領先1.2k🌝🌝🌝🌝
フランキー 2020-11-6 15:40:42 而家美國凌晨, 等香港聽朝可能先有進展
大家今日都係食緊voting fraud既花生
孤獨過客 2020-11-6 15:41:00 侵成日講清沼澤就係咁解

McConnell 老婆同王岐山有講有笑
迪亞布羅 2020-11-6 15:41:21 所以咪其他民主黨係推賀女人出嚟做總統
迪亞布羅 2020-11-6 15:42:12 少到
理呀爸 2020-11-6 15:42:16
易靈港人話 2020-11-6 15:42:47 大約一半一半
咖哩羊肉 2020-11-6 15:42:47 此回覆已被刪除
矮窮醜 2020-11-6 15:42:57 呢張會唔會型咗少少


cfy001 2020-11-6 15:43:17 好癲
不該出生的人 2020-11-6 15:43:42 拜登已解鎖技能二階跳
納米屌洗衣液 2020-11-6 15:44:03 推返上熱門先
唔好掂我後面 2020-11-6 15:44:12
阿歷絲摸根 2020-11-6 15:44:19 此回覆已被刪除
阿歷絲摸根 2020-11-6 15:44:49 此回覆已被刪除
我不是洪卓立 2020-11-6 15:45:03 Pa點左97%
咁快 領先1xk
Az要反cup但 90%落後4xk
不該出生的人 2020-11-6 15:45:13 二段跳
梅原裕一郎 2020-11-6 15:45:23 60年一次

瑞典瑞士糖 2020-11-6 15:45:25 此回覆已被刪除


孤獨過客 2020-11-6 15:45:52 為有FF下

Pennsylvania, where Trump was leading Biden by about half a million votes as of Wednesday afternoon, will continue to accept military ballots until Nov. 10.

In 2016, 7,788 members of the military voted by mail in Pennsylvania, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

"I'll also just remind everyone, military and overseas ballots are not due until a week after Election Day," Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said at a news conference Wednesday. "We want to make sure that not only every civilian absentee mail-in valid voter is counted but also that every man and woman who are serving our country, that their votes are counted."
Nevada, where 2,677 troops voted absentee in 2016, also has a Nov. 10 deadline for the ballots to arrive. Biden holds a slim lead in the state after all Election Day votes were counted, and just absentee and provisional ballots remain to be tallied.

In North Carolina, service members' ballots can arrive as late Nov. 12. As of Wednesday afternoon, Trump maintained a lead of about 75,000 votes over Biden that is expected to be hard for the Democratic nominee to overcome.

The state's election division said in statistics released Wednesday that 9,749 military absentee votes have already been cast. The number returned already surpassed 2016, when 6,317 troops cast absentee ballots in North Carolina, according to the Election Assistance Commission.

In Georgia, military ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and arrive by Friday. Trump was ahead of Biden by less than 2 percentage points as of Wednesday, but ballots from heavily Democratic areas around Atlanta have yet to be counted, leaving Democrats hopeful the race will swing Biden's way.

In 2016, military voters cast 5,203 absentee ballots in Georgia, according to the Election Assistance Commission. That means, Noland said, "if the race comes down to the wire, those ballots could make a difference."
L.Messi 2020-11-6 15:45:53 ga 665票
小西灣富城 2020-11-6 15:45:55 你了解下 咩係庾子年先啦
不該出生的人 2020-11-6 15:46:02 PA去到98 99就會無限補票