LIHKG機械鍵盤集中討論區(32) 十月爆買月,年尾你唔係唔衝刺下化?
ALAL 2020-12-6 16:45:53 分別係咪主要都係個melting point?


哈力馬龍 2020-12-6 21:34:56 我覺得簡單啲可以直接講話新手千祺唔好用 lead-free 無鉛錫線
搵最正常嘅 60/40 (60% Sn 錫 + 40% Pb 鉛) 唔好煩,又或者可以提下 63/37 (其實 63/37 應該算易用啲,不過是但啦)
建議買幼身啲嘅錫線會易啲控制 (冇咁易落太多錫),0.5mm 差唔多,又唔使去到太幼嘅
唔好買錯冇助焊劑 (flux) 嘅錫線,又或者用嚟焊水喉嗰啲

(含鉛錫線多數都係 rosin core,即係入面有松香肋焊劑)

lead-free 熔點較高,如果隻辣雞唔係恆溫嘅話好易會搞到過熱
同埋 lead-free 啲焊點冇咁靚,新手唔識睇好易出問題

牌子就唔好買支那嘢啦,不過聽講有啲舖賣A貨 Alpha 錫線
哈力馬龍 2020-12-6 21:41:43 獨撚唔敢入人哋舖頭問嘢
香港警察吞槍自殺 2020-12-7 01:18:17 幫你google咗
哈力馬龍 2020-12-7 18:04:31
咁唔講囉 2020-12-7 20:07:12 放全新EPBT 9009一套


SpookyBoogie 2020-12-8 04:10:35 想問下擺個鍵盤係laptop個鍵盤上面用會唔會影響散熱?
佐藤達広 2020-12-8 06:27:48 想問凱華青係咪仲正過cherry青
香港警察吞槍自殺 2020-12-8 08:00:38
香港警察吞槍自殺 2020-12-8 08:01:15 用得凱華clicky就box jade/navy啦
ALAL 2020-12-8 09:32:09 正唔正依啲嘢好個人


Samsung 2020-12-8 12:02:25 完全2種野黎 冇得直接比較
MockingK 2020-12-8 12:30:37 dllm 點解淘寶冇durock stab v2 但aliexpress 有

同埋唔知點解我aliexpress checkout唔到
ALAL 2020-12-8 12:33:26 心思思抽唔抽Keycult No. 2/65好

怕老婆會發達 2020-12-8 13:04:08 因為國外有倉,KBDFANS 為例,佢係美國係有inventory 而唔係全部係支那

次次GB/In stock 賣都收多10幾20運費真係趕客
舒夫膠刀 2020-12-8 14:35:06 抽中先算 呢度一定有人接火棒
ALAL 2020-12-8 14:52:52 都係,一個batch得100隻
MockingK 2020-12-8 15:17:57 知唔知係今日幾點開始raffle? 香港時間
ALAL 2020-12-8 15:55:07 We're extremely happy (and a bit nervous) to officially announce the first release of a Keycult made-in-house keyboard, the No. 2/65. As you likely already know, this first release will for the Black & Brass edition, and the raffle will take place on Tuesday, Dec 8.

* Pricing: $800 ($700 B-stock, see listing for example photos)
* Kit includes: No. 2/65 Black & Brass, black anodized aluminum plate, solderable PCB
* Available extras: ONE brass plate and ONE hotswap PCB (more will be available later but we have limited stock for this first release)
* Exact raffle times will be announced soon, but you'll have plenty of time to enter and the raffle will once again take place on on Tuesday, Dec 8!

Thanks so much for all the patience and support we've received! We're already hard at work on a second batch No. 2/65's
Raffle will start tomorrow at 10am EST and run until 8pm EST. Invoices will go out Wednesday.
MockingK 2020-12-8 22:42:04 仲有20分鐘 希望訓醒抽中
樓主係GAY佬 2020-12-8 23:21:21 login唔到?


ALAL 2020-12-8 23:26:54 QUICK RAFFLE FAQ
Requirements to enter for a No2/65:
You must:
-Be a member of this discord
-Have a Unique Phone number attached to your discord account
-Click the check box emote reaction in the welcome channel

-On the day of the raffle go to and wait for the raffle to go live
-You will be able to add a MAXIMUM of one plate and a hotswap PCB as extras for your raffle entry
ALAL 2020-12-8 23:27:42 我入到啊
ドーンだYO 2020-12-9 00:02:39 淘寶係v1?
v1 v2有咩唔同?
MockingK 2020-12-9 00:05:57 yes問左客服

Wire popping 改善