LIHKG 推到完場之美國大選選情集中討論區6
破風哥哥 2020-11-4 12:22:26 Fox called AZ for Biden......


我萬朱莎華呢 2020-11-4 12:22:27 做低個賠率
係我呀哈利 2020-11-4 12:22:31 侵侵
埃及希臘秘魯 2020-11-4 12:22:32 此回覆已被刪除
中共世界第一 2020-11-4 12:22:33 此回覆已被刪除
帶棗兒 2020-11-4 12:22:35 兩黨優勢太大 可能美國國內都無人諗過呢個假設性問題
Suja 2020-11-4 12:22:35 緊係未計
忘記電郵 2020-11-4 12:22:37 差2000票炸喎
Filibuster_HK 2020-11-4 12:22:37 538:

// About 2 million mail-in ballots have already been returned so far, almost one-third of the total number of votes cast in the state four years ago. But because the state can’t begin processing mail ballots until 7 a.m. on Election Day, it could be awhile before we get full results in Pennsylvania. State officials have said that it could take until Friday to finish counting most ballots. //
細波妹 2020-11-4 12:22:37 你睇下NC 先啦
彼岸花不相見 2020-11-4 12:22:38 此回覆已被刪除


列車服務受阻 2020-11-4 12:22:38 差廿萬,屌反cup呀仆街
阿仙奴世界第一 2020-11-4 12:22:38 iowa反cup了
旅行安家必備良藥 2020-11-4 12:22:41 計定姐
姐係好似踢波贏緊6:0 而家90分鐘 補時5分鐘
知更鳥 2020-11-4 12:22:41 瞓喺度都贏
王騎 2020-11-4 12:22:42 比班共媒開心幾個鐘
等待. 2020-11-4 12:22:43 睇post啦
我tg係hugo1991 2020-11-4 12:22:47 度度唔同 有啲未點
吾係自己 2020-11-4 12:22:48 fox called AZ to biden
普通公雞 2020-11-4 12:22:50 唔同年代嘅人應該唔明呢個gag
kjl;jlkjhghu 2020-11-4 12:22:51 其實兩邊都好緊 因為兩邊都係得Pennsylvania就會贏 但係仲未計mail個啲差唔多全部biden票


精氣神儲氣 2020-11-4 12:22:52 眾議員再投
無止境的冗 2020-11-4 12:22:52 加洲紅執左十鳩幾年
date0 2020-11-4 12:22:53 此回覆已被刪除
天天打JJ 2020-11-4 12:22:55 AZ侵少左票,睇黎係D人轉左唔LIKE 侵多過加州殖民