LIHKG 推到完場之美國大選選情集中討論區6
拋西瓜拋到破產 2020-11-4 12:22:00 賭盤公司個盤都穩左~拜登可以玩幼幼了


Wittgenstein 2020-11-4 12:22:03 川建國
Ahin 2020-11-4 12:22:04 有乜可能
Djilobodji 2020-11-4 12:22:06 Yes. Biden已經出埋最後皇牌 - 西岸
公道自在人心 2020-11-4 12:22:09 本身都唔預啦
aka功夫胖妹 2020-11-4 12:22:09 原來好多人都唔知美國大選嘅玩法
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
陳云根議員 2020-11-4 12:22:12 IA RI are coming UP!
r1r_my_jj 2020-11-4 12:22:12
TAA(20歲冠軍) 2020-11-4 12:22:15 好似話Maryland 嗰啲未點
BBC2019 2020-11-4 12:22:15 此回覆已被刪除
date0 2020-11-4 12:22:16 此回覆已被刪除


聯福道男神 2020-11-4 12:22:16 此回覆已被刪除
死線戰士 2020-11-4 12:22:17 VA最後先數Mail in
上倩若水 2020-11-4 12:22:19 幾時有人講過
孤高N撞 2020-11-4 12:22:20 If no candidate receives a majority in the election for president or vice president, that election is determined via a contingency procedure established by the 12th Amendment. In such a situation, the House chooses one of the top three presidential electoral vote-winners as the president, while the Senate chooses one of the top two vice presidential electoral vote-winners as vice president.

From Wiki

感官真奇妙 2020-11-4 12:22:20 紅色上呀
WI MI上呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
德州OHIO NC賓州繼續呀!!!!
thailandking 2020-11-4 12:22:21 三四個黨自然會改選舉制度架啦
Dev_G_Chi 2020-11-4 12:22:21
人生可否重來 2020-11-4 12:22:21 幾好笑
一息不斷不甘志短 2020-11-4 12:22:23 此回覆已被刪除
梁$300 2020-11-4 12:22:24 今屆TX真喺拉近咗好多,深紅州差啲翻船


啤酒花 2020-11-4 12:22:25
牛脷酥油炸鬼 2020-11-4 12:22:25 無變天州份,即係侵會連任
登野城尖閣 2020-11-4 12:22:26 大選前 郵寄輸30萬票 而家嬴40萬 其實正路 之前預測都係咁
岸久碧池 2020-11-4 12:22:26