LIHKG 推到完場之美國大選選情集中討論區4
dill 2020-11-4 08:42:20 未收工呀?


孤獨過客 2020-11-4 08:42:21 From BBC

Results from Florida’s eastern-time-zone counties are starting to report and report quickly. The early numbers are mixed – with good and bad news for both sides.

In places like Pinellas County, a populous area of the west coast near Tampa Bay, Biden is overperforming Hillary Clinton’s 2016 numbers. Donald Trump won that county in 2016 by just 1 percent. With an estimated 75% of the vote reported, Biden has a 52% to 46% lead, with 248,620 votes. Trump won the county four years ago with 239,201.

In Miami-Dade, however, it’s Trump who is beating his 2016 numbers in a Democratic stronghold. With 84% reporting, Biden only leads 54% to 45% - well off Clinton’s 63% to 33% margin.

If there’s one fundamental rule in modern US politics, it’s that Florida will be close – and this year seems no different. Why it’s close this year, however, could be a surprise.
精氣神儲氣 2020-11-4 08:42:25 成班fake news
RX-78-2 2020-11-4 08:42:27 點解寫緊biden贏咁奇怪
石室遺錄 2020-11-4 08:42:29 此回覆已被刪除
【佚名】 2020-11-4 08:42:29 唔係
F5制都撳爛啦 2020-11-4 08:42:33
樓上食好西 2020-11-4 08:42:34 同FL明明Biden贏緊2%但其實輸左9成一樣,
中非打BBQ 2020-11-4 08:42:34 此回覆已被刪除
施永師兄 2020-11-4 08:42:36 此回覆已被刪除
容易受精的女人. 2020-11-4 08:42:40



一息不斷不甘志短 2020-11-4 08:42:40 此回覆已被刪除
Buttner 2020-11-4 08:42:47
Skkyan 2020-11-4 08:42:48 Fl紅市快啲開
眼帯の喰種 2020-11-4 08:42:48 此回覆已被刪除
最後派對 2020-11-4 08:42:49 此回覆已被刪除
AG+++ 2020-11-4 08:42:54 大城市?
蘇斯克查仆街死 2020-11-4 08:42:55 此回覆已被刪除
不明所以 2020-11-4 08:42:55 全部都係projection
新人類 2020-11-4 08:42:58 此回覆已被刪除
猛男撿樹枝 2020-11-4 08:42:58


大撚灑 2020-11-4 08:43:00 因為驚更加要做fake news
RX-78-2 2020-11-4 08:43:01 贏0.1%都係贏
個肝爆啦 2020-11-4 08:43:02 FL睇你地講到咁危有d驚
夫唱婦隨(≧∇≦) 2020-11-4 08:43:03 此回覆已被刪除