反烏杔邦 2020-11-1 23:14:36 https://twitter.com/alexberenson/status/1322877606690234368?s=21


救世港豬 2020-11-1 23:15:29 肥佬黎係美國咁高聲望不如去搞media
皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:15:30 此回覆已被刪除
隨遇而安的人 2020-11-1 23:15:45 公道講 民主黨做防疫
D人有距離, 同係個圈入面
李典 2020-11-1 23:15:55 真係除非有拜燈性愛片流出或者賣國嘅錄音

皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:16:01 此回覆已被刪除
西貢小姐 2020-11-1 23:16:41 發覺班左膠真係唔會識顧及下班藍領工人嘅飯碗
皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:16:59 此回覆已被刪除
皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:17:52 此回覆已被刪除
反烏杔邦 2020-11-1 23:18:06 https://twitter.com/alexberenson/status/1322877606690234368?s=21
Banality 2020-11-1 23:18:53 如果有一半人認為Biden係貪腐(DI poll),佢地嘅目的已經達到

But the row has, according to the poll, only helped to put the issue in the public consciousness more.

Asked who they thought was telling the truth about the Biden family allegations 57 percent chose businessman and former Biden associate Tony Bobulinski who has levelled accusations against the former vice President.

Meanwhile, 52 percent agreed that Mr Biden is “a corrupt politician” with 21 percent saying they are less likely to vote for him and 75 percent saying it makes no difference.

Asked if the allegations made him a national security risk, 54 percent agreed that it did.


皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:19:13 此回覆已被刪除
救世港豬 2020-11-1 23:19:13 郭文貴9 up咗咁耐終於有野出到黎
Banality 2020-11-1 23:19:40 咁樣就組織啲人喺自各社區到睇佢直播囉,佢唔係以為佢地可以靠網上啲片啲media就可以consolidate 啲票嘛?
Project-Mu 2020-11-1 23:19:57 屌喇媽,頭先多手走去睇tvb 新聞完全一味吹到Biden 贏撚硬咁
反烏杔邦 2020-11-1 23:20:50 https://twitter.com/buzzpatterson/status/1322910539794755587?s=21
西貢小姐 2020-11-1 23:21:08 post夠未
F1餐 2020-11-1 23:21:11 此回覆已被刪除
皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:22:11 此回覆已被刪除
王老五 2020-11-1 23:22:44 大數據:拜登已經輸撚左

拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-11-1 23:23:25 好,聽日整先


皇天尻殺 2020-11-1 23:24:21 此回覆已被刪除
waiwaiwai 2020-11-1 23:24:34 俾我唔去,假,blm示威打劫有無保持距離
F1餐 2020-11-1 23:26:20 此回覆已被刪除
麥巴比你唔好 2020-11-1 23:26:36 此回覆已被刪除