拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-11-1 08:10:34 Trump signed executive order to protect fracking


黑貓巡邏員 2020-11-1 08:11:15 上次都贏票輸洲,民主黨憑咩贏到?
y4t7sds12 2020-11-1 08:18:54 https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1354506/us-election-2020-donald-trump-win-poll-democracy-institute-joe-biden-swing-states

The last Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll gave the US President a two point lead and landed just after he went into hospital with coronavirus.

Significantly, the President has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

It means he is on course to easily win the electoral college by 326 to 212 votes against his Democrat rival in a result which would shock the world even more than his astonishing defeat of Hilary Clinton in 2016.

The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll has throughout the campaign been one of the few to predict a Trump victory since March.
生化武器 2020-11-1 08:18:59 嘩 賓州有望

y4t7sds12 2020-11-1 08:20:14 https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/2020/10/31/election-2020-iowa-poll-president-donald-trump-leads-joe-biden/6061937002/

Iowa:Trump +7
石田佐吉三成 2020-11-1 08:20:15 唔駛諗喇,拜登已經得到我豐臣西軍既加持,正義就在我方! 川普有川,德川也,必敗!
德薩斯州總統 2020-11-1 08:20:25 此回覆已被刪除
生化武器 2020-11-1 08:20:42 https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1322683973366095874?s=21
生化武器 2020-11-1 08:21:12 有冇幾萬人
勿通膠類 2020-11-1 08:24:34 咁勇
德薩斯州總統 2020-11-1 08:24:38 此回覆已被刪除


勿通膠類 2020-11-1 08:25:43 唔信,覺得侵最多少勝
百佳誠哥 2020-11-1 08:27:21 又唔好睇到支那咁高,佢連台灣都未搞到
y4t7sds12 2020-11-1 08:29:29 Nevada

勿通膠類 2020-11-1 08:30:04 錢啫,你試吓登登聽日講 ban 七 green new deal,唔會改現有政策。一樣咁多人。
亞發外父 2020-11-1 08:33:07 FL 29
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-11-1 08:34:01 支那獲獲落錯注,好撚精彩
BLM 後面有份搞事身影係人都睇到
德薩斯州總統 2020-11-1 08:36:25 此回覆已被刪除
亞發外父 2020-11-1 08:36:27 26/10 咪上咗
公道自在人心 2020-11-1 08:42:34 原來去左幾場pa

亞發外父 2020-11-1 08:43:32 2018 GOP 多咁多但結果係失利架喎


公道自在人心 2020-11-1 08:44:47

雖然搞呢d show 點都要錢
但用一個錢字解釋晒對fans 其實好唔公道
勃朗特 2020-11-1 08:46:44 大豆侵
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-11-1 08:47:54 "Moments ago I signed an executive order to protect Pennsylvania fracking and block any effort to undermine energy production in your state," Trump told the crowd in his third stop in the state of the day.

"So if one of these maniacs come along say end fracking, I signed it on the beautiful Marine One," the president said.
勿通膠類 2020-11-1 08:48:03 我講錢唔係做show嘅錢, 登重多競選錢過侵,我係指藍領工人份糧的錢。