港區國安委坐館 2020-11-2 18:45:22 此回覆已被刪除


救世港豬 2020-11-2 18:45:34 睇佢地d schedule就知MI d poll信唔過
夜凪景 2020-11-2 18:46:39 有冇TX early vote數睇睇
港區國安委坐館 2020-11-2 18:46:58 此回覆已被刪除
末日理論 2020-11-2 18:47:13 係講緊NH定真嘅New England

因為NH有個花名係New England
亞發外父 2020-11-2 18:47:42 完全係相反

聞屎擋嗰啲係負面選舉 仇恨行先 好死寂
相反侵呢幾個星期嘅成功做到正面選舉 成個感覺好有活力 rally好開心 好似嘉年華咁
個名唔用得 2020-11-2 18:47:54 其實係
西貢小姐 2020-11-2 18:48:22 應該係講緊成個新英格蘭地區啦
港區國安委坐館 2020-11-2 18:48:24 此回覆已被刪除
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-11-2 18:48:32 Tx 唔去,即係鳩up
PA 去補鑊,但叫埋 lady gaga 係咩玩法
Ohio 就順路

His Democratic rival Joe Biden will focus on Pennsylvania and Ohio during the final day of campaigning in their long and bitter race for the White House.

Biden, running mate Kamala Harris and their spouses will spend most of Monday in Pennsylvania, splitting up to hit all four corners of a state that has become vital to the former vice president’s hopes.

Biden will rally union members and members of the Black community in the Pittsburgh area before being joined for an evening drive-in rally by singer Lady Gaga.

Biden also will make a detour to bordering Ohio, spending time on his final campaign day in a state that was once considered a lock for Trump, who won it in 2016, but where polls now show a close contest.

末日理論 2020-11-2 18:49:20 MI而家應該係四個rust belt入面dem最易保嗰個


Xavi🐯 2020-11-2 18:49:45 https://twitter.com/realjameswoods/status/1323067461588062208?s=21

corrupt politician
6784678 2020-11-2 18:50:16 此回覆已被刪除
Xavi🐯 2020-11-2 18:50:25
救世港豬 2020-11-2 18:51:37 但點解trump spend咁多時間係度
末日理論 2020-11-2 18:52:36 咪就係因為個差距近
萬惡窮為首 2020-11-2 18:52:45 此回覆已被刪除
癲濟公 2020-11-2 18:53:21 告急牌黎了
西貢小姐 2020-11-2 18:53:59 From Wikipedia: New England is a northeastern region of the United States comprising the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
萬惡窮為首 2020-11-2 18:54:02 此回覆已被刪除
末日理論 2020-11-2 18:54:50 長知識了


亞發外父 2020-11-2 18:55:36 Ohio close咩
萬惡窮為首 2020-11-2 18:56:39 此回覆已被刪除
Klopp_lfc 2020-11-2 18:57:12 我地係Outlier
港區國安委坐館 2020-11-2 18:57:14 此回覆已被刪除