PolyU Taught Postgraduate 2021
Sophie.Turner 2021-3-11 17:47:10 Thank you for applying for Master of Science in Business Management Programme (MSc BM) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Please note that applicants are required to submit supporting document(s) for their qualifications. According to the information you have submitted to eAdmission, we have not yet received the following supporting document(s):

Official transcript with conversion table (grading system) issued by xxxxx University.

未有offer都叫我send official


日日有樓住 2021-3-11 18:29:02 未必冇既
根深蒂固 2021-3-11 18:34:20 唔係你apply果時scan你學校寄俾你果封transcript with grading system上去,之後佢有offer就要你再番去request 學校用DHL寄去交實體咩
遠心分離 2021-3-11 22:34:19 唔知有無谷交流下
黑心的小湯圓 2021-3-11 23:01:26
遠心分離 2021-3-11 23:12:37
個一蚊係我到 2021-3-12 00:09:57 知唔知written test大約會做d咩?
遠心分離 2021-3-12 00:10:45 15分鐘作文掛
個一蚊係我到 2021-3-12 00:13:52 知唔知上年出左咩
遠心分離 2021-3-12 00:14:18 我都想知
IwannaD 2021-3-12 00:17:20 宜家先報係咪咩都無



黑心的小湯圓 2021-3-12 00:38:49
呍呢嗱可樂 2021-3-12 01:57:10 咩科
愛貓橙狗黃 2021-3-12 14:58:13 有冇巴打係 Environmental Management and Engineer
Pumpkinmmm 2021-3-12 16:04:29
買咩跌咩 2021-3-13 00:37:44 收到Bs offer....
呍呢嗱可樂 2021-3-13 00:55:28 同學
你個腦跛咗 2021-3-13 01:02:43 好奇想知點解揀FM/HPB 唔讀返Msc BSE?岀路有咩唔同?
買咩跌咩 2021-3-13 01:07:37 有冇報fellowship
呍呢嗱可樂 2021-3-13 01:08:32 係咪upload份嘢就得
買咩跌咩 2021-3-13 01:11:06 佢果時send email黎 話reply email....


怕看到切計師 2021-3-13 01:12:30 好似冇聽人講過收到followship
買咩跌咩 2021-3-13 01:13:50 你地有冇upload上 other document
呍呢嗱可樂 2021-3-13 01:22:46 6月先出offer
日日有樓住 2021-3-13 08:52:48 巴打咩background