PolyU Taught Postgraduate 2021
獨立沙美島 2021-1-18 23:04:10 幾多?


挪威森林喵 2021-1-18 23:08:49 The fellowship students are required to pay a minimum tuition fee of HK$42,100, which is the prevailing rate of the UGC-funded programmes, and the differences will be subsidised by the fellowships subject to a cap of HK$120,000 (for the whole taught postgraduate programme, regardless of the actual study period) for the settlement of the tuition fee only.
清水魚 2021-1-18 23:10:10 此回覆已被刪除
純粹屎忽 2021-1-18 23:24:11 21年9月開學的大概幾時會有offer
兼職咖啡犬 2021-1-18 23:35:43 英文系但讀得多唔多ling嘅野? 例如有冇讀過啲neuroling/psycholing嘅野?
獨立沙美島 2021-1-19 07:51:34 5寶master 冇人傾既 ?
源氏物乳 2021-1-19 12:23:14 有冇巴絲報左School of Design 啲master有消息?
內向人一個 2021-1-19 13:34:02 主要讀文學 同溝通嗰啲
太子道西痕 2021-1-20 11:02:52 有無Ching個application比人modify過
? 代表啲乜,我無郁過佢,今日再開發現琴日有人modify過。
六四無死人 2021-1-20 12:54:15 改左啲咩
太子道西痕 2021-1-20 13:05:17 唔覺有野改過


HowAreYou! 2021-1-20 15:03:45 IT收到conditional offer ,但係要3.5gpa以上
獨立沙美島 2021-1-20 21:10:51 咁高咩
Research Master?
シルバー 2021-1-20 22:08:07 second宜家夠入
膠足100分 2021-1-20 22:14:33 而家先報仲有無機?
HowAreYou! 2021-1-20 22:16:40 MSc IT,而家得3.37gpa,皮已收。
獨立沙美島 2021-1-20 23:01:54 講就講3.5 到時3.4x都照收。
買咩跌咩 2021-1-21 01:15:46 姐係noted跟住冇offer
太子道西痕 2021-1-21 01:16:45
HowAreYou! 2021-1-21 07:44:40 我問professor 佢都話要求3.5 係unusual ,可能好多人報。
獨立沙美島 2021-1-21 08:11:45 點睇得出modify過


太子道西痕 2021-1-21 10:25:10 佢有寫last modified 既日子
日日有樓住 2021-1-21 10:43:31 你係咪自己modify過唔記得左咋
太子道西痕 2021-1-21 11:00:49 唔係,因為佢寫19號,我每日都係返工check一次,之後就全日都無開過,睇過又無改過我啲資料,由佢
權恩菲 2021-1-21 11:11:44 11月報 12月in
