20-21 NBA 休季討論區 (3)
prokofiev 2020-10-27 20:08:11 My favorite NBA team is Sacramento Kings. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. I used to enjoy watching Vince Carter play since he was an exciting slam dunker. In fact, he's considered one of the greatest slam dunkers of his time. Do I lie down or sit down for the masseur to give me a shoulder massage? Do I sit down or lie down for the massage? In terms of palmistry, don't completely believe in it but I think it's interesting...in terms of palm reading, the feng shui master, Peter So says if this middle line goes down, you like to imagine or fantasize so a career in art or music is suitable for you. If the line is straight, you're more realistic and pay particular attention to money so maybe a career in finance is suitable for you. He says left hand is before you're thirty, right hand after you turn thirty. You look sporty.... As I said, I wanna be lean and strong. I don't wanna be too big like a bodybuilder because if I were, I'd be so clumsy and my hands and fingers wouldn't be nimble enough to play the piano. This is called triceps. The function of it is to push. It's thick but not so hard. It's a bit soft. You can feel it. This is biceps. Its function is to pull. It's harder. You can feel it. This is, of course, chest. You can touch it. It can jerk. I have abs muscles. You can feel them. This is called the trapezius. I used to work them too much which is bad. I don't train them anymore. The trapezius shouldn't be trained too much unless you take part in a bodybuilding competition because you get tired easily. It's like you're carrying two objects which causes heaviness in the trapeziuses so I always have a massage in Central before or after teaching. You can squeeze it hard. It doesn't hurt. I sometimes tell the masseur to massage more firmly and deeply, then he says it's the deepest. Use two hands on this side. My trapezius isn't painful. It's quite comfortable. Your trapezius is a bit hard too. Because whenever you raise your shoulders, you use your trapeziuses. For example, for someone who works in an office in front of a computer, she's using her trapeziuses when she's typing or using the mouse. So the masseur massaged here, head, neck, legs.... Does it feel comfortable? There are acupoints here...and here.... Does it feel relaxing? When was the last time you were in a relationship? Why broke up? How could he do that to you.... My ex is a foodie. If the restaurant wasn't gopd enough, she often lost her temper. The people around us would look at us which I felt embarrassed. A good thing about her was she knew my shoulders felt tight and stiff so she always gave me a massage. We always massaged each other. I know girls' legs are often tight, right? Because she always said her legs always felt tight and stiff and told me to massage her legs. So here...does it feel stiff? What about here? My ex-girlfriend always pinched my cheeks, face cheeks and I pinched her back. It's actually quite comfortable. It feels like a massage. Of course, you pinch gently, as opposed to hard, otherwise it'll hurt. But it really feels like a massage which is quite comfortable. Is it comfortable? Your cheeks are quite meaty. Are you flat-footed? There's an arch.


Anthony_Davis 2020-10-27 20:13:32 此回覆已被刪除
甘草米 2020-10-27 20:39:03 如果cap space 真係減 勇士會trade green 定 wiggins
水戶洋平 2020-10-27 21:31:18
水戶洋平 2020-10-27 22:41:03 https://youtu.be/9qbIqJ5ETgY

一年前, 榮叔一個人打爆全部塞爾特人隊友
Miku 2020-10-27 22:53:30 Green黎緊4年100m
甘草米 2020-10-27 22:55:16 倒貼都賣唔到
水戶洋平 2020-10-27 23:34:18 《Space Jam 2》劇情:Lebron對陣AI控制數字化超級球隊

近日,一位好萊塢特效技術從業人員Ben Mekler通過推特發佈了他此前收到電影《空中大灌籃2:新傳奇》試映邀請時獲取的官方劇情梗概。


「在一次前往華納兄弟影業的旅途中,NBA巨星勒布朗-詹姆斯和他的兒子意外地被困在了一個包含了華納兄弟公司旗下所有故事和人物的世界里,被一種出現故障的、名為Al G(唐-錢德爾飾演)的全能力量控制著。在兔八哥的幫助下,勒布朗必須穿越一個充滿標誌性電影場景和人物的從未想象過的世界,他們重新組合了兔八哥的小隊來拯救他丟失的兒子。現在,為了回家,勒布朗和兔八哥們必須解開Al G的神秘計劃,並在全世界的關注下贏得一場史詩般的籃球比賽,這場比賽的對手是數字遊戲化的超級版本的NBA和WNBA的巨星們。」



想變番細細個 2020-10-27 23:39:22 Trade Green
同埋可以用2020 同green 打法好似果個Poole(好似係)
想變番細細個 2020-10-27 23:39:59 實有球隊好似NYK 既
Miku 2020-10-27 23:42:36 30歲4年100m呀


甘草米 2020-10-27 23:42:38 爛泥都唔換啦
甘草米 2020-10-27 23:43:11 咁樣睇 cp3 份約好似仲值錢
想變番細細個 2020-10-27 23:47:08 咪係大把球隊有cap 買人
仲要改咗Cap, 好似聯盟有10對隊波(冇超cap既球隊)分多成一千萬
我係笠水狗 2020-10-28 09:00:52 應該係eric先岩, kerr 好似練定佢啲傳導. 但我唔覺得會trade 到green
De'AaronFox 2020-10-28 10:33:03 green串77+屎波+貴到咁
DannyAinge 2020-10-28 10:38:38 廢鳩
Anthony_Davis 2020-10-28 10:51:29 此回覆已被刪除
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2020-10-28 10:57:38 牛想要3波
蜂同勇想要Wiseman. 如果trade唔到
Anthony_Davis 2020-10-28 11:00:27 此回覆已被刪除
徐青藤 2020-10-28 11:16:15 我覺得haliburton 都唔差,點解好似冇乜人講


一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2020-10-28 11:21:22 想同其他隊換人多啲,暫時覺得最大機會得同廁換簽+ddr (1年)返黎,咁我寧願換white或者自己draft 好過
DannyAinge 2020-10-28 11:21:24 好似高Floor低Ceiling
一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2020-10-28 11:26:48 其一啦,其二冇單打能力、太瘦、射波姿勢問題
戰地 2020-10-28 11:30:13 但佢個稅係貴到痴線喎
