『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊
6帽王何家成 2021-1-29 23:42:50 但你點都要個入境chop,無入境chop visa點生效


莎拉特 2021-1-29 23:48:11
aapl 2021-1-29 23:52:35 或者父母有ILR, settle Ireland island有3年,子女born in the island會係Irish. BC父母子女born in the island都會係Irish.
aapl 2021-1-29 23:55:22 一直都講咗唔需要實體BNO護照係手
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-1-29 23:55:49 原來唔覺唔覺已經就爆po

aapl 2021-1-29 23:57:48 父母BNO無ilr子女點會係bc
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-1-30 00:01:36 移民本身充滿未知數
諗定plan abcd
四聖諦 2021-1-30 00:03:54 多謝你提醒呀巴打
希魔 2021-1-30 00:10:26 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-hong-kong-british-national-overseas

Immigration Rules Appendix Hong Kong British National (Overseas)
The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) route has two routes – the BN(O) Status Holder route and the BN(O) Household Member route.
所記 2021-1-30 01:04:48 咁港共當佢廢紙啫,無話違禁品,而且唔可能沒收他國資產,要知道你係代大英女王保管佢屬下hmpo 發出嘅護照,該護照屬大英所有,根本無可能被別國所沒收,否則......

其實ccp 想嚇驚你,你驚就中晒計!
所記 2021-1-30 01:08:15 一向唔用bno 出入境,所以根本無事,係嗰班以前覺得型,特登用bno 出入港境嘅我替佢哋擔心,因為資料早已因此送中,如ccp 有咩行動,第一時間就係捉返佢哋出嚟,建議佢哋盡快走,以免首先祭旗!


希魔 2021-1-30 01:19:52 太空人注意事項

HK 15.4. Each of the applicant’s parents must either be applying at the same time as the applicant, or have permission to be in the UK (other than as a visitor), unless:
(a) the parent with permission as a BN(O) Status Holder or as a partner of a BN(O) Status Holder is the sole surviving parent; or
(b) the parent with permission as a BN(O) Status Holder or as a partner of a BN(O) Status Holder has sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing; or
(c) there are serious and compelling reasons to grant the child entry clearance or permission to stay with the parent who has permission on the Hong Kong BN(O) route; or
(d) the applicant falls within HK 15.1(b) and there are serious and compelling reasons to grant the applicant entry clearance or permission to stay with the parent or grandparent who has permission as a BN(O) Status Holder on the Hong Kong BN(O) route.
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-1-30 01:29:17 岩岩睇多次, 連passport/id 都可以唔洗落

Information that the test result must include
Your test result must be in either English, French or Spanish. Translations will not be accepted, and you must provide the original test result certificate. It must include the following information:

- your name, which should match the name on your travel documents
- your date of birth or age
- the result of the test
- the date the test sample was collected or received by the test provider
- the name of the test provider and their contact details
- the name of the test device
正經好男仔 2021-1-30 01:53:25 nice
kaede512 2021-1-30 02:16:48 實際上遠唔止7000人,一個家庭3,4口都計成一個unit,實際上差唔多有3-4萬人到佐英國。
剛服香港 2021-1-30 02:18:21 真係好想知23號用App 交biometric 申請Visa
咁拎到個Visa 入到境仲係咪要去多次Visa Centre 搞BRP?
定抑或真係以為入境 有BNO visa 都係直接過e gate
普和廸夫 2021-1-30 04:16:50 係。
睇下先 2021-1-30 04:18:51 如果已經用lotr喺英國,係咪2月23日用app先可以申請?
熱氣小朋友 2021-1-30 04:22:29
希魔 2021-1-30 04:42:17 慢慢攪都得
睇下先 2021-1-30 04:54:37 我想知如果已到英國,星期日係咪未搞得


熱氣小朋友 2021-1-30 04:58:47 我都係諗住31號睇下流程先再決定
F5制都撳爛啦 2021-1-30 05:10:53 睇官網就係網上填定資料後make appointment 去當地既VAC 搞餘下手續 (指紋、影大頭相?)應該同時會即出BRP呱

深圳佳兆業 2021-1-30 05:11:22 就咁睇應該31號點都可以網上申請. 但就應該再要去一間實體既簽證中心進一步搞. 用app應該係for仲係香港既申請者. 因為你要去北角果度搞既話等於比支那點哂相.
TaylorSmith 2021-1-30 05:17:53 此回覆已被刪除