『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊
球文字D 2021-1-27 11:56:19 又有update

LOTR就到期嘅人唔洗急去搵Home Office


華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 14:51:11 Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), it may take longer than normal for your application to be processed. If a decision has not been made on your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ application before the BNO visa opens for applications in January 2021, we will refund any fees or charges you have paid.

If you have made a valid application for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ from within the UK and you’re eligible to apply for the BNO visa, you will receive an email by 14 February 2021 from the Home Office.

This email will tell you:

your options around applying for the BNO visa
how to get a refund if you choose to apply for the BNO visa
You can apply for a refund before or after you apply for the BNO visa. You will need to make your BNO visa application within 12 weeks of receiving your refund, after which your application for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ will be invalid and you will not have permission to stay in the UK.


正經好男仔 2021-1-27 14:54:54 Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), it may take longer than normal for your application to be processed.

肥_仔 2021-1-27 14:55:33 應該收咗refund之後12wks之內都唔submit就lotr status void
andrewyl 2021-1-27 14:59:24 你要係退左錢之後 12 周內提出 BNO Visa 申請 ,唔申請就係無得留低。

華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 15:23:14 咦。唔通巴打你又係visitor入境。響英國網上申請lotr好似我咁?
華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 15:23:28
華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 15:23:43
華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 15:24:33 我估佢其實都係拖到你自己快手申請bno visa 。佢退錢比你算

因為我識人早在10月已經申請左。去埋visa centre打埋手指模都你未有回音
正經好男仔 2021-1-27 15:25:03 唔係啦,喺香港等31號申請
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-1-27 15:45:53 If you applied with valid immigration leave, you will not be treated as an overstayer or suffer any detriment in any future immigration applications while your application is being considered.

睇埋呢段 擺明就係
"你申請左就得架啦 無時間處理呀 等BNO visa出啦"


二級船長 2021-1-27 15:52:04 倒數4日
華裔鬼佬 2021-1-27 15:53:05 因為我估其實佢真係無諗過處理在英申請既lotr身份。純粹比你申請拎個過渡身份

直至bno visa 出台等你快手申請
肥_仔 2021-1-27 15:53:05 而家根本estimate唔到一個case要用幾耐攪

莎拉特 2021-1-27 17:07:55 LOTR 手續多過BNO VISA掛
句野都係話整LOTR 耐姐
肥_仔 2021-1-29 08:44:21 https://news.now.com/urgentnews.jsp?taskId=20554&refer=Share

LOTR 7000人
正經好男仔 2021-1-29 11:45:32 31/1定23/2好
謀事在人成事在天 2021-1-29 11:50:43 LORT 都7,000人
N700A 2021-1-29 11:53:15 http://www.gov.uk/government/news/hong-kong-bno-visa-uk-government-to-honour-historic-commitment
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

- I am immensely proud that we have brought in this new route for Hong Kong BN(O)s to live, work and make their home in our country.

- In doing so we have honoured our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong, and we have stood up for freedom and autonomy – values both the UK and Hong Kong hold dear.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

- Global Britain will always stand up for what is right and uphold our commitments. This new visa delivers on our promise to the people of Hong Kong, honouring our strong historic relationship and upholding their freedoms.

- I look forward to welcoming people wanting to put down roots and build a new life with their family in the UK.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

- We have been clear we won’t look the other way when it comes to Hong Kong. We will live up to our historic responsibility to its people.

- China’s imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration contrary to international law.

- With the launch of this new visa route, BN(O) citizens will now have a choice to come and live, work and study in the UK.
F5制都撳爛啦 2021-1-29 11:59:45 做 1/7000 好過做 1/14e

二級船長 2021-1-29 12:34:29 31/1 申請就要去中心(VAC)
23/2 就可以全網上online



F5制都撳爛啦 2021-1-29 12:35:22 香港睇黎2月23先整到?

因為睇最新update 自己搞既visa system要23號先work

但lotr既可以親身去visa centre搞

二級船長 2021-1-29 12:43:07 31/1可以申請,係要上中心驗護照

滿月兒 2021-1-29 12:43:57
123092847 2021-1-29 12:48:11 International