阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-5-4 15:43:39
有mon po


夢不拾遺 2021-5-4 15:45:35
鳩up王 2021-5-4 19:37:26 套ms marvel會當佢係inhuman定點
毀屍函 2021-5-4 23:16:52 https://twitter.com/joshuahorowitz/status/1389565478494867458?s=21

升降機(Hydra) 2021-5-5 06:14:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDhyNbR6v1w
夢不拾遺 2021-5-6 00:54:13
阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-5-6 08:50:43 正式分家
Damian_W 2021-5-6 09:27:28 Marvel: Legend
阿輝(LMD) 2021-5-6 15:51:01 Inhumans頭2集入場睇揮手區
Damian_W 2021-5-6 15:57:51
Grogu 2021-5-6 17:16:49 張imax poster仲有keep住


鳩up王 2021-5-6 21:41:29 安德魯加菲在《MTV》Podcast節目《Happy Sad Confused》談到外界認為他會演出《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》的傳聞時,笑回:「我有推特帳號,時常看見《蜘蛛俠》登上熱搜,網友討論這件事簡直瘋了。」他雙手摸著雙頰,模仿當時他目瞪口呆的表情,「我真的想跟所有人說,我建議你們冷靜一下!」但是他又覺得公開澄清也沒用,因為大家早已咬定他一定會演出,怎麼解釋也不會相信。

面對主持人再次詢問是否演出《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》,安德魯加菲鄭重強調:「我沒有接到電話,聽好了,我至今從未接過任何一通電話。」隨後,他又開玩笑表示,或許粉絲在網路上的討論聲量,會促使漫威工作室(Marvel Studios)、索尼影業打電話給他,「我不想把話說死,說不定他們正打算打電話給我,告訴我說:『嘿!大家想要這樣,也許網路上的討論是他們市場調查的一部分。』
堅持就是勝利 2021-5-6 21:58:08 好似sw咁變咗野史
堅持就是勝利 2021-5-6 21:58:39 勇士

利申 睇哂全套
堅持就是勝利 2021-5-7 00:39:59 https://www.instagram.com/p/COiY2EMh7tQ/?igshid=1i2jkbo7vpc9o

都算part of mcu
走得咁突然 接受唔到
Grogu 2021-5-7 01:31:15 去到最尾二果集仲抱着希望最後會好睇
Damian_W 2021-5-7 01:39:20 最後有Lockjaw 10/10
Grogu 2021-5-7 01:42:51 套嘢講咩已經完全唔記得晒

阿輝(LMD) 2021-5-7 09:40:40
毀屍函 2021-5-7 09:57:52 Access spoke to Garfield about the topic today and his words were clear, “Never say never.”

“I’ve heard all the rumors of everything and to be frank, I think it’s a really cool idea,” he explained. “But as a fan, just as a pure fan, it’s a really cool idea. But yeah, as I’ve said previously, it’s not something that… I hate being given the responsibility of disappointing people. It’s not something that I’ve been asked about or anything like that. But you know, never say never,” he said in the interview.
鳩up王 2021-5-7 11:15:22 佢地住果度俾人發現左


雷神(啤酒肚) 2021-5-10 01:29:18 @夢不拾遺 入一入黎 我屌你老母


夢不拾遺 2021-5-10 01:46:54
堅持就是勝利 2021-5-10 02:05:05 發生咩事
夢不拾遺 2021-5-10 02:08:01