木村里中睛 2021-5-3 22:17:28 今年上到蜘蛛俠3估唔到


堅持就是勝利 2021-5-3 22:22:11 今年好豐富

笨大 2021-5-4 00:08:40 支唔支氣都唔係重點,係好撚樣衰呀
糖兄的餐單 2021-5-4 00:11:40 希望Bucky有份
az-687 2021-5-4 00:46:16
az-687 2021-5-4 00:47:41
az-687 2021-5-4 00:48:10
千手柱間 2021-5-4 01:07:06 今年有43套MCU戲
升降機(Hydra) 2021-5-4 05:29:40 拖得耐怕俾tom仔爆哂成個plot
毀屍函 2021-5-4 09:19:36 It's "lucky" Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 couldn't open in 2020 like originally planned, says returning writer-director James Gunn. The threequel, which Marvel Studios set for May 2023 with a title treatment reveal on Monday, was expected to release in 2020 on one of the dates the Disney-owned studio marked for that year: May 1, August 7, or November 6. In summer 2018, Gunn was fired by then-Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn over resurfaced offensive tweets; by March 2019, Gunn was reinstated as director and it was agreed Disney-Marvel would wait for Gunn to complete The Suicide Squad for Warner Bros. and DC before returning to the MCU on Vol. 3.

"Lucky. We didn't have to have our date pushed a number of times like everyone else," Gunn tweeted when responding to a fan who asked how the filmmaker feels "knowing this movie was supposed to come out last year."
千手柱間 2021-5-4 09:24:36


鳩up王 2021-5-4 09:45:49 拍套戲好快姐,三個月左右就搞掂
阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-5-4 10:20:20 marvel啲戲大部分都係開拍到上係一年
毀屍函 2021-5-4 10:23:20 Crowe係咪confirm左做宙斯?
鳩up王 2021-5-4 10:30:56 在這群星光熠熠的卡司陣容之外,羅素克洛先前更親口證實,自己將在片中飾演宙斯一角,也讓人好奇北歐神祇跟奧林匹亞眾神是否終於會在漫威銀幕宇宙中狹路相逢。《雷神索爾:愛與雷霆》將於2022年5月6日上映。
夢不拾遺 2021-5-4 10:55:23 幾時出Ares
阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-5-4 11:19:51

登高入地恩為我 2021-5-4 12:04:04 marvel, dc都有希臘眾神?
DEADPOOL 2021-5-4 12:33:05 Marvel各類神祇都有
DEADPOOL 2021-5-4 12:33:44 呢度
笨大 2021-5-4 14:22:41 邊個係邊國?


底已被起 2021-5-4 14:38:16 鳩估等對答案

希臘 馬雅?
印度 中國
印第安? 北歐
日本 埃及
堅持就是勝利 2021-5-4 15:37:47

阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-5-4 15:40:08 夢巴j開
夢不拾遺 2021-5-4 15:42:43