堅持就是勝利 2021-1-8 14:45:14 2021係2020嘅snyder cut


CekZi 2021-1-9 09:13:25 此回覆已被刪除
升降機(Hydra) 2021-1-9 17:46:59 英豬每日record high
千本櫻景嚴 2021-1-12 04:33:34 2月7號有venom 2崔那
Damian_W 2021-1-12 08:55:41
毀屍函 2021-1-12 22:15:21
鳩up王 2021-1-13 01:47:01 唔係r rate?
鳩up王 2021-1-13 01:56:29 Confirmation that the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Deadpool would be Rate-R came from Kevin Feige himself, during a recent interview for Marvel's WandaVision:

"It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now, and Ryan’s overseeing a script right now," Feige told Collider about Deadpool 3, while adding some bad news: "It will not be [filming] this year. Ryan is a very busy, very successful actor. We’ve got a number of things we’ve already announced that we now have to make, but it’s exciting for it to have begun. Again, a very different type of character in the MCU, and Ryan is a force of nature, which is just awesome to see him bring that character to life."
千本櫻景嚴 2021-1-13 04:02:02 好似話係fake嚟
升降機(Hydra) 2021-1-14 04:22:50 sabrina s4
夢不拾遺 2021-1-14 21:16:31


堅持就是勝利 2021-1-14 21:21:35 除定褲睇wanda
堅持就是勝利 2021-1-14 21:21:59 大家準備歸隊
阿輝(LMD) 2021-1-14 23:40:52
SirDreambear 2021-1-15 00:36:03 此回覆已被刪除
阿唯(loveu3000) 2021-1-15 01:09:32 小圈子 Assemble

千本櫻景嚴 2021-1-15 02:37:11 巨腸返嚟?

Chris Evans Returning to Marvel Cinematic Universe in Some Vague Way
升降機(Hydra) 2021-1-15 02:41:42 收皮啦走數L
堅持就是勝利 2021-1-15 02:56:47 睇十次wanda都唔會睇on9仔
升降機(Hydra) 2021-1-15 03:01:52 deal is deal
傑志李毅凱(4號) 2021-1-15 07:07:26


木村里中睛 2021-1-15 09:16:50 飾演拜登?
毀屍函 2021-1-15 09:30:44 今晚邊度有得睇Wanda發癲?
毀屍函 2021-1-15 09:52:27 WandaVision RT 94% now
方圓不一 2021-1-15 12:53:31 但係RT嘅野...