【震】三星手機系統級每分鐘偷連QQ及百度 三星DNS事件誤導用家?(3)
紅魔 2020-10-20 17:44:44 114本身for大陸地區 但寫firmware條友柒咗 當埋香港係大陸
Samsunghk又唔知加咗啲咁嘅嘢 照出個firmware


Counterpain 2020-10-20 17:47:14
邊方明 2020-10-20 17:52:32 因為114 DNS 係
1. hidden and 
2. N+1 DNS server 

無論你電話本身set 幾多個DNS server address
佢都會作為hidden 同第N+1 個DNS server address 嘅mechanism 去偷連

IU我嘅 2020-10-20 17:56:13 無撚有錯
根本就唔應該駁去public DNS
紅魔 2020-10-20 18:26:03 The cause of this is:

* Android needs to know if a wifi network is working, since many wifi networks are broken and connecting to them degrades the user experience.

* Normally it does that by connecting to google.com, and if the connection succeeds, assume wifi is good to go.

* Google.com is blocked in china, meaning wifi would be broken in China.

* To fix this, Samsung has replaced google.com with qq.com in china.

* Samsung also needs to add a new DNS server to resolve qq.com, in case the network doesn't provide a DNS server and androids default of Google DNS is used (which is also blocked in China). Adding it last means it won't be used unless other DNS servers are broken.

Overall, this behaviour seems like the simplest and most logical fix Samsung could put in place to enable their users to use phones in China.

They could have run their own servers (but that would also have privacy issues), or they could have removed captive portal/bad network detection, but that probably would have broken some apps and led to unhappy users.

I can't see any other real fix in this case, and I certainly don't see any malicious intent in any of their actions.

NOT_FOUND 2020-10-20 18:27:28 呢樣當然係啦,但難保大陸firmware一向都係咁玩法,只係唔知邊條友最近將呢段code直接copy落港版firmware度

末日時在做什麼 2020-10-20 19:27:52 此回覆已被刪除
邊方明 2020-10-20 19:32:49 我一睇以為係你講原來係quotation
1. Hidden and 
2. N+1
邊方明 2020-10-20 19:38:24 如果為咗俾洋人喺GFW 範圍內有seamless transition, 114 DNS 嘅hidden and N+1 nature 相關說明要寫喺end user agreement 入面

末日時在做什麼 2020-10-20 19:50:57 此回覆已被刪除
NOT_FOUND 2020-10-20 20:00:53 未改之前水貨機同港版情況有唔同架

而家改咗之後係只睇部機嘅region code先睇下加唔加114,但qq就不變


邊方明 2020-10-20 20:01:56 SoC 係影響driver level (cpu driver, WiFi driver etc), 係再底層啲嘅layer
而家呢個衹係 *wifi*.java 寫嘅background service, code base 唔會有分別
世上太多無能為力 2020-10-20 20:15:36 係咪無法逃離
打雜師 2020-10-20 20:54:53 push
Counterpain 2020-10-21 00:03:44
ZacPurton潘頓 2020-10-21 00:52:39 Pish
陸星材 2020-10-21 01:13:27 我部台水機仲未有更新,我想跳去pixel
失業毒男 2020-10-21 01:21:07 此回覆已被刪除
毒撚一個可盡興 2020-10-21 09:36:30
神戶豆 2020-10-21 09:39:23 push
食左飯未 2020-10-21 09:41:50 用緊水仲未有更新


毒撚一個可盡興 2020-10-21 10:38:45

NOT_FOUND 2020-10-21 10:42:39
Ghoiohn 2020-10-21 10:46:49 D 人仲成日話三星安全

我都唔明呢 二等代工廠 點會上到一線
毒撚一個可盡興 2020-10-21 11:04:21