有冇人買到新出 Chromecast with google TV
時代間諜 2021-6-21 16:44:19 有咁多野揀架咩


永久處男協會主席 2021-6-21 16:45:06 講多少少details 會易D幫你
邊個網唔得 iPhone 定Android?
通常用Chrome browser, TV cast 同 Replica app 都係呢幾個
蘋果耕種者 2021-6-21 17:36:19 有廣東話?
springlala 2021-6-21 19:30:04 上web 版 play store 再 remote install 落 Chromecast 仲好啦。

個system 根本設計成唔想你裝其他野咁
周公 2021-6-21 21:33:23 裝港人話電視 一開就有app store
waninashi 2021-6-22 12:22:13 https://9to5google.com/2021/06/21/walmart-android-tv-onn-4k-box/


I found that performance on Walmart’s box was on par if not sometimes better than the $50 Chromecast with Google TV, but it certainly wasn’t up to the standard of the Shield TV.
2021-6-22 21:42:26
希羅 2021-6-23 00:26:04 join左都唔得
你真心咩(壞左) 2021-6-23 01:17:52 到宜加都唔知FireTV 同 Chromecast功能上既分別
好多人話cast web browser video 上 Chromecast係優勢 但用web video cast個app 唔係都可以cast到上fivetv?
佐々木美玲. 2021-6-23 13:30:45
永久處男協會主席 2021-6-25 16:43:29 又睇唔到


~深水步驚雲~ 2021-6-26 11:01:31 我屋企部電視 08 年果陣買
射射觀賞 2021-6-26 11:42:43 勁揪!
尊尼·特朗普 2021-7-2 13:31:56 睇吓你有冇需要用其他app 例如 now e, 黃藍viu

Hbo hulu Disney
春日部 2021-7-2 13:40:41 但walmart好似集運買唔到?
優鳩 2021-7-2 23:56:23 緊急求救,今晚想睇,番到黎照樣用chromecast with Google tv個remote開電視,但開唔到

Googleの人 2021-7-3 01:18:31 How to factory reset your Chromecast
A factory reset will reset the Chromecast device to its default factory settings. Note: This action will clear your data and can't be undone.
You can perform a factory reset on your Chromecast by using one of the following methods:

From the Chromecast device
1. While the Chromecast is plugged into the TV and powered, press and hold the button on the back of the Chromecast. The LED will start blinking yellow.
2. When the LED light turns solid white, release the button and the Chromecast will then reset.
waninashi 2021-7-3 09:58:28 https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/07/02/review-forget-the-chromecast-walmarts-onn-android-tv-is-cheaper-and-just-as-good/
傷縮雙妻 2021-7-3 11:13:26 google assistant有廣東話好耐.........
蘋果耕種者 2021-7-3 13:09:10 我知 但點解google mini 嗰啲speaker 仲未有
元朗土皇帝 2021-7-4 17:09:13 有冇人想down 唔到disney+ 已經開左vpn
版本不相符 但我已經更新到最新


元朗土皇帝 2021-7-4 17:09:30
有冇人down 唔到disney+ , 已經開左vpn
版本不相符 但我已經更新到最新
了解 2021-7-4 17:38:17 轉google play account location
唔關vpn 事
焦糖上的海瀨 2021-7-7 07:14:58 想問下如果外國用 chromecast睇黃viu同藍viu
係唔係要用VPN 返返香港先睇到??
打擊低能仔 2021-7-7 09:10:36 想買 Shield 但係怕出新版。。