睇AV打飛機都要與時並進,一步步教你點樣買片睇VR AV。
SIUBAK 2020-10-9 16:36:43 I get choppy performance when streaming my desktop?
Make sure your computer is wired to your router and not wirelessly connected. You need at least an 802.11 AC Router and it is recommended to use a 5 GHz connection. You will need a desktop computer and dedicated GPU to stream fast action games. Also make sure to disable NVidia Gamestream.


gadgash2353 2020-10-9 16:47:57 Quset 2 最高去到150Mbps
其實都唔洗WIFI 6 啦

Quest 2 streams at higher resolutions, has a higher maximum bitrate (150 Mbps instead of 100) and supports 60, 72, 80 and 90Hz.
進GAP的巨人 2020-10-9 16:49:49 好心咪誤導人啦
Quest 2係數字上有4k解像度
頂多接近full hd
1比7 2020-10-9 16:52:28
天空之力 2020-10-9 16:52:29 此回覆已被刪除
天空之力 2020-10-9 16:53:01 此回覆已被刪除
SIUBAK 2020-10-9 16:53:33 yes 原生Oculus quest 2 games 畫面當然無電腦咁好
gadgash2353 2020-10-9 16:54:52 所以要買PIMAX 8K

SIUBAK 2020-10-9 16:55:26 自己用Q1 百幾mb
你可以買黎試下先 其實有5g 十拿九穩
SIUBAK 2020-10-9 16:58:24 Wi-Fi 6 (AX) routers aren't about pushing more bandwidth. You'll see very little difference in terms of bitrates. The increased maximum bitrate comes from the increased processing power of the XR2. What AX routers give you is better network congestion management so a more stable video stream with less hiccups. Good AC routers will work just fine, you don't need to upgrade. If you are looking at buying a new router however, I highly recommend an AX one.

gadgash2353 2020-10-9 16:58:46 都係研究下


天空之力 2020-10-9 16:59:47 此回覆已被刪除
淨色衫 2020-10-9 17:04:02 之前買左Q1 值唔值得upgrade上Q2
Q2 好似睇到SLR啲6K片
天空之力 2020-10-9 17:04:47 此回覆已被刪除
gadgash2353 2020-10-9 17:05:00 我9UP的
天空之力 2020-10-9 17:05:08 此回覆已被刪除
SIUBAK 2020-10-9 17:07:54 2.4k 無SDE已經抵玩 唔洗諗
淨色衫 2020-10-9 17:31:05 正 等佢出
粥粉麵飯 2020-10-9 17:31:23 此回覆已被刪除
我好想重新做人呀 2020-10-9 17:47:34 想問有冇無碼嘅VR片?


新東寶翻譯製作 2020-10-9 17:52:21 日本無碼唔賣得


我好想重新做人呀 2020-10-9 17:56:33 搵咗好多網都係得歐美
我愛吉岡里帆 2020-10-9 17:59:05 日本就見過有d加勒比出既,但d女優唔係自己杯茶, SLR 日本就有冇碼,鬼妹就肯定冇啦
天空之力 2020-10-9 18:17:14 此回覆已被刪除
SIUBAK 2020-10-9 18:19:10 條影片有教