Xbox Series X/S 討論區 — HK Marketing Team 入一入嚟(6)
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-23 22:21:30 我覺得我都會忍唔住


出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-23 22:22:47
未知目標 2020-10-23 23:54:13 October 23, 2020 - 6PM PT I 9PM ET
Capacity: 25,000 (First 25,000 fans to opt-in)

You’re invited to opt-in and take part in our exciting Xbox FanFest kick-off event: A gamified, interactive online experience where you’ll get a chance to engage with team Xbox and other Xbox fans and win exclusive prizes.

Introducing Xbox FanFest Trivia!

25,000 Fans will enter. Only 1 Fan will win it all.

Xbox FanFest Trivia is a 10-round knockout competition with increasingly challenging questions designed to put your knowledge of our Xbox Game Pass library to the test.

Each round will contain 10 questions that must be answered correctly and answered fast. Thousands will be eliminated after a stage is complete. Only the fans with the highest accuracy and speed will move on to face harder questions.

Remember, the more you play, the better prepared you’ll be. So jump on Xbox Game Pass and brush up on everything from the biggest bosses to the smallest details, facts and easter eggs.

Even if you’re out of contention for the grand prize, it would be wise to stick around and play along with fellow fans.

The competition will carry on until we find the last fan standing. In addition to a giant ego boost and eternal bragging rights, the Xbox FanFest Trivia grand prize winner will receive the ultimate loot box with everything you need to discover your favorite ways to play your next favorite game.

Xbox FanFest Trivia will be played exclusively in English. After completing the opt-in process, you’ll receive access details via e-mail, 72 hours before the experience. Only the first 25,000 Fans will be eligible to play, so if you haven’t opted-in yet, why are you still reading this?!?!

Contest Official Rules

Microsoft Digital Event Code of Conduct
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-23 23:59:34
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-24 05:48:12
Gears 5 update
iori8god 2020-10-24 10:15:11 起身冇野做睇 FanFest,技術問題攪到答問題答咗兩題就停咗,啱啱先攪番掂

不過為咗補償,而家當所有參加者都入到 Round 4,即係原本 Top 5000 先有嘅 5000 Microsoft Rewards Point,改為所有參加者都有

踏破冰山 2020-10-24 10:25:35 瞓過龍冇參加到
iori8god 2020-10-24 10:29:47
Round 5 仲未開始,可以試下仲入唔入到去答問題,反正佢求先重開嗰陣好似得番四千零人有答問題
踏破冰山 2020-10-24 10:30:19

兩隻首發嘅獨立遊戲The Falconeer、The Touryst

The Falconeer可以行4k60,遊戲開發商正研究緊行4k120可能性

The Touryst會以6k渲染,再輸出4k60,或者行4k120
踏破冰山 2020-10-24 10:31:59 冇lu,入唔到
iori8god 2020-10-24 10:36:31 原來 Round 5 轉咗 URL


出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-24 11:18:58 我啱得一條
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-24 11:20:20
iori8god 2020-10-24 11:25:37 最後都係攪唔掂,同啲 Guest 視像吹完水就完咗個 Event
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-24 12:14:48 算 橫掂都答錯晒 拎啲point換40蚊 買game
沈默是金牛 2020-10-25 04:15:13
出黎啦自由斟 2020-10-25 06:09:10 好L正
cc732 2020-10-25 10:03:25

胸圍店女店長 2020-10-25 13:37:16 Xbox下場係VF4首賣日咁,一條友都無,無人理無人買。
假塑膠樹 2020-10-25 17:00:19 想問下新機可唔可以用返之前嘅xbox one headset
57 2020-10-25 18:58:53 可以


2020-10-25 19:58:40 幾時先有得再預訂
天啟坦克 2020-10-25 20:30:48 今次其實冇得比
麺咪媽 2020-10-25 21:32:11 此回覆已被刪除
幸せなペ二ス 2020-10-25 21:52:08 証實左隔絕蝗蟲 既分別