ISNULL() 2020-9-27 14:25:39 https://ibkr.info/node/873
Tax Reporting: How often may I change the tax basis method on my account?
You may change the tax basis methodology at any time by logging into Account Management and accessing the Tax Basis Declaration page in the Report Management menu. When you change the Tax Basis Declaration, the new methodology applies to trades made after the change; it does not affect existing trades.

By default, the tax basis methodology is set to First In, First Out (FIFO). Choose from First In, First Out (FIFO), Last In, First Out (LIFO), or Maximize Losses (ML). The tax basis declaration will appear in the Code column on your Activity Statement for trades where a methodology other than FIFO has been applied.


你您李 2020-9-27 16:31:33 巴打收哂上面班傻仔皮
乖乖女齋傾走甜 2020-9-27 16:35:37 此回覆已被刪除
奮進人 2020-9-27 16:42:12 此回覆已被刪除
酒國浪人 2020-9-27 17:08:12 謝謝師兄
粗茶淡飯 2020-9-27 17:27:59 LM 學野
Lordmolee 2020-9-27 17:41:58 咁做有意思咩...
通天清龍 2020-9-27 17:45:20 樓主既想法真係前無古人
世衛總幹事 2020-9-27 17:50:51 Mental accountant
價值投資菲比斯 2020-9-27 19:06:57 此回覆已被刪除
勞斯藍絲 2020-9-27 19:09:55


蜜糖雞翼08 2020-9-27 22:27:10 此回覆已被刪除
蜜糖雞翼08 2020-9-27 22:30:56 此回覆已被刪除
長崎慎虛 2020-9-27 23:31:46 溝貨悖論
李順圭頭痛 2020-9-27 23:34:13 拎啲錢去醫下個腦啦
白居2業主 2020-9-27 23:42:50 打去問毒品調查科
PolyJ神嘈 2020-9-27 23:49:00 究竟樓主真係醒目仔 報稅問題
自己屎忽痕 計數簿 心理作用問題......?

媽 好亂呀
關心兒童院 2020-9-28 00:02:12 此回覆已被刪除
倉央嘉措 2020-9-28 01:12:46 上youtube 睇人daytrade 係會分唔同注 賣返/平返...
行不改名坐不改姓 2020-9-28 03:01:07 要改好簡單,你去 TWS 左上 Account-> Tax - > Tax Optimizer 就得,吾好用 classic 嗰個
行不改名坐不改姓 2020-9-28 03:04:32



處男闖情關 2020-9-28 03:15:29 笑撚左 , 巴打有料
行不改名坐不改姓 2020-9-28 03:15:37 改 account default 或者遂 lot 執都得. 上面我講錯左, 係 settle 左之後吾改得.
IU我嘅 2020-9-28 03:29:33
失業介紹所 2020-9-28 04:24:01 此回覆已被刪除