突發!NVIDIA 發現 RTX 3080 / 3090 有設計問題需要回收!
櫻澤墨 2020-9-26 21:04:19 samsung 出問題嘅話要賠幾多


しぐれうい 2020-9-26 21:05:28
南小鳥花陽 2020-9-26 21:08:18 TSMC有位淨嘅話一早用緊喇
旋風管家一拳超人 2020-9-26 21:09:26 8千買左張zotac trinity
玩左幾日rtx minecraft 味有彈game或hand機問題
Letho 2020-9-26 21:10:08 zotac鎖咗卡, 問題不大只要你唔超佢
我含我射 2020-9-26 21:11:16 好彩琴日放晒
大東亞香港民眾國 2020-9-26 21:12:27 使用正常就無事,最緊要暫時唔好超頻
旋風管家一拳超人 2020-9-26 21:12:35 zotac 有得down一個叫firestorm嘅野 可以控制佢燈光同fan同freqency 重有個funciton係scan張卡睇下咩頻率最高效能 但唔夠膽scan
驚燒卡 味超張卡已經好熱
DEADPOOL 2020-9-26 21:13:34 分分鐘參考當年部電話出事咁
紅色有角三倍速 2020-9-26 21:14:37 炒價買既點退

J.V 2020-9-26 21:16:50 好似得個FACEBOOK 單一SOURCE


利申 : 無卡


神雲顛倒 2020-9-26 21:18:14 Samsung賠都唔係直接賠俾你啦
Letho 2020-9-26 21:18:40 trinity應該唔太熱, 你幾度幾rpm?
隨心地派膠 2020-9-26 21:19:15 你個名
隨心地派膠 2020-9-26 21:20:38 唔推A
power_off 2020-9-26 21:21:14 幾錢放
隨心地派膠 2020-9-26 21:27:39 屌你msi
power_off 2020-9-26 21:28:16
power_off 2020-9-26 21:29:33 NVIDIA RTX 30 系列顯示卡效能颷升,不少電競玩家爭相搶購,但在供應不足的情況下都出現炒賣情況。不過就在這個時候,部分用戶就報告遊戲進行中出現程式崩潰退回桌面,即是所謂「彈 Game 」的情況。據知這個問題只出現在小部分用戶身上,而傳媒評測時就未有出現這個情況。現時 NVIDIA 未有正式回應有關消息,但有業內人士指廠商正在與 NVIDIA 商討處理方法,並傳出台灣有部分廠商就已經確認進行全面回收,香港代理則在等候廠方指示,是否需要回收以及回收規模。由於周末關係,可能會稍遲一些再有公佈。

power_off 2020-9-26 21:30:35 據外媒 VIDEOCARDZ 報道,事件發生始於 9 月 15 日,廠商 Colorful 在內部電郵中首次報告 RTX 30 顯示卡有不穩定問題。到 17 日就開始有顧客回報出現問題,到 25 日德國網站 igor’sLAB 就發表首份報告。


「彈 Game 」問題可能與這 6 粒焊在 GPU 底部的電容有關。

現時估計,問題很可能與焊接在 GPU 底部的電容有關。在 RTX 30 系列顯示卡中 GPU 底部需要接上 6 粒電容,負責 NVVDD/MSVDD GPU 電壓濾波,濾波效果愈好,超頻時遇到的問題就愈少。有網民在討論區上就報告問題出現在遊戲進行中顯示卡時脈超過 2GHz 時就會出現不穩定情況,濾波愈差、時脈愈高,愈容易遇上問題,需要手動降低 50 至 100 MHz 才能穩定運行。
麻瓜青蛙 2020-9-26 21:30:49 依加似PCM吹大左wo


驅逐德 2020-9-26 21:31:01 好彩冇買姐
power_off 2020-9-26 21:31:14 生產商在設計電路和選擇該 6 粒電容的用料時,都需要按照 NVIDIA 的指引選用 POSCAP (導電聚合物鉭固體電容)或 MLCC (多層陶瓷芯片電容),兩種電容可以混合使用而且這種用法很常見。問題有可能與規格過低的指引有關,因為廠商都倚賴這份指引來選料,而新產品趕著出貨,也可能引致測試不足的情況。


紅色的是 POSCAP ,綠色的是 MLCC ,右圖就是混合使用的情況。(來源:igor’sLAB )

直至截稿為止,我們仍等待代理商的回覆,請留意《 PCM 》的跟進報道。
希魔 2020-9-26 21:31:34 NVIDIA

At the time of writing, there was no official statement from NVIDIA.


The manufacturer was the first to report on a issue unofficially to the press. Review samples that were already sent out, were later recalled.


Recently there has been some discussion about the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 series.

During our mass production QC testing we discovered a full 6 POSCAPs solution cannot pass the real world applications testing. It took almost a week of R&D effort to find the cause and reduce the POSCAPs to 4 and add 20 MLCC caps prior to shipping production boards, this is why the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 series was delayed at launch. There were no 6 POSCAP production EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 boards shipped.

But, due to the time crunch, some of the reviewers were sent a pre-production version with 6 POSCAP’s, we are working with those reviewers directly to replace their boards with production versions.
EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 series with 5 POSCAPs + 10 MLCC solution is matched with the XC3 spec without issues.

Also note that we have updated the product pictures at EVGA.com to reflect the production components that shipped to gamers and enthusiasts since day 1 of product launch. Once you receive the card you can compare for yourself, EVGA stands behind its products!
— Jacob Freeman, EVGA Forums


ASUS has changed the design in pre-production. No official statement was made.


MSI acknowledged the issue during the MSI Insider Livestream, suggested it could be a driver issue.


Igor’sLAB reports: PC Partner, Zotac’s mother company, seems to have recognized this and is obviously changing its cards.

GIGABYTE, GALAX and other brands

No official statement.
地拖味咖啡 2020-9-26 21:32:28 有暫時解決方法都好過 2080 花畫面