[傷兵滿cobham] 車路士球迷祝福黑警死全家與支那滅黨討論區
醉愛所炫 2020-9-22 20:51:31 真唔真


旁證 2020-9-22 20:51:34 頂唔順kepa
T-ara世界第一 2020-9-22 20:52:28 對西布朗full team
醉愛所炫 2020-9-22 20:52:48 自行官宣
Yannick_卡拉OK 2020-9-22 20:53:13 好想睇ca
醉愛所炫 2020-9-22 20:53:15 No quarantine for Mendy, just has to pass a covid test and will be in contention after tomorrow!
火撚鳥 2020-9-22 20:53:15 撚狗自己官宣個門將

珈瑪星雲 2020-9-22 20:53:55 笑死,撚伯好撚憎kepa
T-ara世界第一 2020-9-22 20:54:04 有冇尊重過短手
金智珉(Monday) 2020-9-22 20:54:12 20m貨仔差唔多啦
Hanako 2020-9-22 20:54:20 一向


Hanako 2020-9-22 20:54:30 Lampard says the first-team bubble around Covid protocols makes it hard for him to get youth players minutes in the cup.
伊登夏殺(迷迪) 2020-9-22 20:54:48 Welcome Edouard Mendy!!! Our new Petr Cech in black!!!!’ Let Chelsea Strong again!
Braintree 2020-9-22 20:54:59
醉愛所炫 2020-9-22 20:55:10 Lampard says tomorrow's game is more for the main squad rather than Academy players. That is all from the boss here for now. There will be more on the official Chelsea website and The 5th Stand app soon.

Hanako 2020-9-22 20:55:12 new kepa in black
R.Falcao9 2020-9-22 20:55:18 Yes
火撚鳥 2020-9-22 20:55:26 邊度講?
共產猶太人 2020-9-22 20:55:33 自己官宣都有
R.Falcao9 2020-9-22 20:55:51 Wa diu
Yannick_卡拉OK 2020-9-22 20:55:52 飛機杯刷態


火撚鳥 2020-9-22 20:56:10 無計 一隊有bubble
伊登夏殺(迷迪) 2020-9-22 20:56:23 對手已經長成倍
R.Falcao9 2020-9-22 20:56:42 林伯
壞天氣 2020-9-22 20:56:59 地標吧Mendy!