[DSE 2021] 大家準備好瘋狂做 數學 未呢? [5]
或者就這樣吧 2020-11-5 03:23:23


Alderweireld 2020-11-5 08:54:37
高遠搖搖板 2020-11-5 09:38:42
Alderweireld 2020-11-5 09:52:36
高遠搖搖板 2020-11-5 11:54:05
木頭公仔唔準郁 2020-11-7 16:39:20 a+(n-1)d
著拖鞋紅衫短袖 2020-11-8 17:24:09

楊過讓過啦 2020-11-8 20:05:14 此回覆已被刪除
StriveForFreedom 2020-11-8 20:38:24 此回覆已被刪除
楊過讓過啦 2020-11-8 20:40:19 此回覆已被刪除
StriveForFreedom 2020-11-8 20:41:45 此回覆已被刪除


楊過讓過啦 2020-11-8 20:48:46 此回覆已被刪除
StriveForFreedom 2020-11-8 20:52:55 此回覆已被刪除
Alderweireld 2020-11-8 20:54:40 有咩唔識?
著拖鞋紅衫短袖 2020-11-8 20:55:14 Part e
Alderweireld 2020-11-8 21:12:43 180度減返angle between plane ACP and ACD
著拖鞋紅衫短袖 2020-11-8 21:22:50
或者就這樣吧 2020-11-9 00:50:27 有個位唔係好明 angle between two planes
Alderweireld 2020-11-9 07:35:00 plane理論上係可以infinitely extended
所以計個angle between two planes會拎細過90度嗰隻
但題目指明要angle between plane ACP and ACB
我諗佢用意係表明而家consider a finite region of a plane
正如angle ABC唔一定等於angle between AB and BC


The absolute value is required in above formulas, as the planes are not changed when changing all coefficient signs in one equation, or replacing one normal vector by its opposite.

However the absolute values can be and should be avoided when considering the dihedral angle of two half planes whose boundaries are the same line.
叫我2047 2020-11-9 09:10:44 不停操past paper一定有4,但5**無咩可能,因為你只係識操past paper。成班M1同M2去考,D野識就係人都識,問題係穩定輸出同保証無錯方面,唔係話做一萬條就乜都知。

楊過讓過啦 2020-11-9 10:06:37 此回覆已被刪除


StriveForFreedom 2020-11-9 10:10:38 此回覆已被刪除
StriveForFreedom 2020-11-9 10:14:51 此回覆已被刪除
Regen 2020-11-9 11:46:45 我果屈45/45都係5*
楊過讓過啦 2020-11-9 11:58:11 此回覆已被刪除