[Welcome 新卡富] AC米蘭球迷光時討論區(182)
二石四鳥 2020-9-24 08:54:06 TMW: Antonio Rüdiger is on his way out of Chelsea. He could leave on loan with a buy-option. He's been offered to AC Milan and Inter. The centre-back earns a salary that is a little over €3M.


Komova 2020-9-24 09:25:17 懷疑全隊真係打唔到

二石四鳥 2020-9-24 09:26:41 全隊test 緊嘛
田仲俊彥 2020-9-24 10:05:23 Luca Marchetti (Sky): Nastasic could be signed for 2 reasons: Duarte's Covid-19 positivity could put Milan in a hurry, and Nastasic could come on loan.
Milan want to invest in a young defender. However, until Paquetà leaves, Milan can't do it for reasons of balancing accounts.
米蘭戰術分析師 2020-9-24 10:44:24 好大可能奶晒野
方皓玟 2020-9-24 11:32:22 如果係因為武漢肺炎打唔到好似當棄權
病院阪黑貓 2020-9-24 11:36:32 琴日check得牙杜中姐, 其他人全部negative
二石四鳥 2020-9-24 11:42:52 應該會加速簽個中堅
Kieslowski 2020-9-24 12:34:50 如果係咁呢條撚樣會累哂球會未來幾年,冇歐戰都幾大鑊
堀北真希2 2020-9-24 13:26:57 場波未暫停受注
方皓玟 2020-9-24 13:33:13 快買客晉


用筷子食萬寶路 2020-9-24 13:38:00 幾耐check一次

資訊科技犬 2020-9-24 14:07:57

石破熊河飯 2020-9-24 14:25:40
病院阪黑貓 2020-9-24 14:46:54 霸氣
JackBlack 2020-9-24 15:24:15 伊巴都加入電莖
病院阪黑貓 2020-9-24 15:41:41 CorSera: Duarte's COVID-19 positive test result complicates the plans of Maldini and Massara as they wanted to sell him in the last days of mercato.
浩氣長存 2020-9-24 15:48:47 得返幾日邊好得返
CUTRONE 2020-9-24 15:54:08 原來早幾年買佢返嚟都要成10m
病院阪黑貓 2020-9-24 16:00:31 屌真係比沙僧跣到飛起
🇯🇵Honda_10 2020-9-24 16:07:43 幾日仲唔夠


Komova 2020-9-24 16:16:09 即場同佢解約呀屌佢老母呢鋪要
🇯🇵Honda_10 2020-9-24 16:24:19 Gazidis:"A new stadium makes a big difference. In purely commercial terms, that's an extra €70M you can spend on players every year."

飛髮仔 2020-9-24 16:36:56 各位師兄又唔好諗到咁灰
Between 我哋之前另一個巴西仔龍發展得幾好
騎士亞瑟 2020-9-24 17:42:04 驗完未